Lucky Punch (Tile A1)

Setup: Put the three hexagonal tokens* on the Lucky Punch tile.

When activated: Secretly choose 1-3 tokens and take them into your right hand (underneath the table). Make a fist and put it on the table. The player to your left must guess how many tokens you are holding in your hand.
If they guess correctly, you get nothing. If they guess wrong, you get the reward: either 2 chips or $30,000 or $40,000. Return the three tokens to the tile.
Instead of using the counters or tokens, you can also use the gray dice, unless tiles f1 or f2 are currently in play.
Jackpot (Tile A2)

Setup: Put the JACKPOT counter* on the first space of this tile ($30.000) and ready the two black extra dice.

When activated: Throw both extra dice:
-If you rolled a 7 or a double, take the amount displayed beneath the JACKPOT counter from the bank. Then move the counter back onto the $30,000 space.
-If you didn't roll a 7 or a double, advance the counter to the next space (max. of $80,000).
Prime Time (Tile B1)
Setup: Ready the two black extra dice.

Before payout: If you are the winner of this casino (i.e. you are about toreceive the higher value card), throw both extra dice.
You now have the option to place either zero, one or both of those dice in the corresponding casinos (even if you rolled a double!). During the subsequent payout they will count as your own dice!
Fifty Fifty (Tile B2)
Setup: Ready the two black extra dice. Place the round counter* on the first space () of this tile.

When activated: Throw both extra dice and move the counter one space to the right. Then, if you choose to end your turn, you get the reward indicated below the counter ($0-$60,000).
However, you can gamble and try to increase your reward. Before you roll the dice again, you must bet higher or lower. Then you throw the dice and advance the counter.
If you win your bet, you may choose again whether you want to take the reward or gamble.
If you lose your bet, your turn ends and you get nothing.
At your turn's end place the counter back on the first space.
If you roll the same number twice in a row, you lose the bet!
High Five (Tile C1)

Setup: Place the HIGH FIVE token on the corresponding space on the tile.

When activated: When you place your fifth die (or 3 and your Biggy) in this casino, take the token. Exchange it during payout for $100,000 from the bank.
Bad Luck (Tile C2)
Before payout: Each player with the lowest amount of dice in this casino (before removing any tied dice and including players with zero dice!) must pay $50,000 into the bank when the round ends.

If a player doesn't have enough money to pay, they must pay everything they have (including chips which are valued at $10,000).
The bank can give change. (But chips are never paid out as "change").
Pay Day (Tile D1)

When activated: Count the casinos (not tiles!) that contain at least one die of your color. This includes the activated casino. Multiply the number of casinos by $10,000. If the total is $10,000 or $20,000, you receive 1 or 2 chips. For $30,000-$60.000 take that much money from the bank.
Power Play (Tile D2)

Setup: Put the POWER PLAY token on the tile.

When activated: After placing your dice on this casino, if you, alone, have more dice here than any other player, take the token (from the tile or from an opponent) and place it on top of your remaining dice as a reminder.
On your next turn, if you still have the token, you may pass the turn. If you do, rotate one of your remaining dice to a number of your choice and place it in the corresponding casino and resolve any effects that might have.
If at any time during the round no player has a clear dice majority, the token is returned to the tile.
No Entry! (Tile E1)

Setup: Place the NO ENTRY! token in the middle of this tile.
Place the round counter* on the first space () of the running track.

When activated: Choose any casino (except the one with this tile) and place the NO ENTRY! token on its die illustration. That casino is now closed. No dice may be added or removed. This also applies to any tile activations.
In addition, advance the counter one space and take the reward indicated on the new space. Empty spaces and the don't get you a reward.
The next time a player activates this tile, they may move the NO ENTRY! token, but they don't have to. However, if they don't, they also won't move the counter and won't get a reward.
Knockout? (Tile E2)

When activated: Each opponent must place one of their remaining dice in the bar on this tile (unless there are already 2 dice of that opponent in the bar). In exchange, you get back all your dice that are currently in the bar (if any).
Any dice in the bar are "knocked out" and will not count during payout. The "Biggy" only counts as one of the maximum of two dice in the bar.
Block It! (Tile F1)
Setup: Place the nine blank gray dice on the dice space clusters of this tile, as indicated (2x 1, 2x 2, 1x 3 dice).

When activated: Choose one dice space cluster, take all blank dice from it and place them in one casino of your choice. During this round and during payout, treat any blank dice in casinos as belonging to an imaginary player.
Example: Casino 2 has the POWER PLAY tile and contains 1 blue, 1 yellow, and 2 red dice. You add 2 blank dice. The red player must immediately return the POWER PLAY token to the tile. If casino 2 stays that way, no player will win any money there.
In the 2-player game, the neutral dice that were placed at the beginning of the round and the blank gray dice count for different imaginary players!
Handicap (Tile F2)
Setup: Distribute the nine gray blank dice as follows: one die each in casinos 1-3, two dice each in casinos 4-6.

When activated: Choose one blank die from any casino and place it onto an empty die picture on this tile.
You get the reward shown: 1 chip (2x) or $30,000 (3x) or one of these two options (4x): to rotate one of your remaining dice to any number of your choice and then place it in the corresponding casino (this will not activate it!) or return one of your dice from any casino to your supply.
During payout: Any blank dice in casinos are treated as belonging to an imaginary player. That might affect the ranking within the casino and/or create ties. i
You don't have to pick up any blank die, but you only get a reward if you do. You may only remove (or add) your own dice from a casino, not from or to a tile. In the 2-player game, the neutral dice that were placed at the beginning of the round and the blank dice count for different imaginary players!
Black Box (Tile G1)
Setup: Put the six BLACK BOX tokens face up on the corresponding spaces on the tile.

During payout: The player to the left of this casino's winner takes all 6 tokens and separates them into two piles (3+3, 4+2, or 5+1 tokens), as he wishes.
The winner of the casino chooses one of the face down piles. They receive the reward shown on the choosen tokens: 2 chips or money ($40,000, $60,000, $80,000 or even $100,000).
Double Down (Tile G2)

When activated: If you want, you may move as many of your dice from this casino to the corresponding space on the tile. These can be dice you just placed in this casino, or dice you placed here previously.
During payout: This tile is paid out exactly like a casino. After possible removals the winner gets $60,000, and the runner up gets $30,000 from the bank.
No dice may be placed or removed here by any other action.
Nice Dice (Tile H1)

When activated: If you want, you may place a die you just rolled or one that you just placed on this casino, on this tile. Place that die onto the die space corresponding to its rolled number.
If there is already another die on that space (either your own or an opponent's die), place that die in the corresponding casino (this will not trigger that casino).
During payout: Each player removes their dice from this tile and then takes the corresponding reward: 1 or 2 chips or $30,000-$60,000.
My Choice (tile H2)
Setup: Ready the two black extra dice.

When activated: Throw both black extra dice and choose one of the results. Perform the corresponding action:

Activate any other tile, as if you had just placed dice in that casino. (Attention: This will not always trigger an action!)

Rotate one of your remaining dice to show a number of your choice, then place it in the corresponding casino (this will not activate that casino's tile!) or return one of your dice from a casino to your supply.

Place one of your remaining dice onto the golden framed gray space. If the space is occupied, return that die to its owner before. During payout, remove the die from the gray space and you get $60,000 from the bank.
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