- 35 smaller dice
- 5 bigger dice
- 2 extra dice
- 9 blank dice
- 20 chips
- 8 Tiles
- 15 Counters and Tokens
- 1 dice arena
- 90 Money Cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Slip into the role of risk-taking gamblers who try their luck in the glitzy world of Las Vegas. Visit six different casinos represented by a different side of a die and win money based on the stakes offered each round.
Each round offers you new opportunities to risk it all - so you always have the choice: Where will you place your own dice to win the most? Where will the other gamblers place their dice?
And where can you perhaps snatch a tidy sum right from under an opponent's watch. But be careful, Lady Luck may leave you stone cold and lets another gambler have the last laugh!
The winner is the player with the most money after three rounds.
Las Vegas (Basic/Introductory Game)
(The rules for this largely correspond to the rules of the alea game "Las Vegas" from 2012. If you already know that game, you only need to review the changes which are highlighted in dark blue).
Place the dice arena in the center of the table with the black hexagon in its center.
Assemble the ring with the six casinos (three parts) and put it around the dice arena (see illus)..
Shuffle the 90 money cards and set them aside in a face-down pile. Then draw 2 cards and place them face up next to each other on the table.
Repeat this process until 6 pairs of cards have been revealed. Place the pair of cards with the highest total value next to the casino ("Sunset").
Place the cards slightly offset to each other so that you can always see their value. Place the pair with the next highest value next to the casino ("Cleopatra"), etc.
If two card pairs have the same total value, place the one with the higher money card next to the casino with the higher rank. Put the rest of the money cards aside for now. You will need them for the second and third rounds.

Each player gets eight dice in the color of their choice, plus two chips.
Put the rest of the chips aside for now. You will need them for the second and third rounds.
All other game materials (such as tiles, the remaining dice and the counters and tokens) are not used in the base game.

Game Play
The game is played over three rounds, each consisting of approximately four to six turns of dice rolling per player.
The oldest player begins, then the other players follow in clockwise order. On your turn, roll all your remaining dice (first all 8, then fewer and fewer as the round goes on). To do that, throw them into the dice arena.
Choose exactly one of the rolled numbers. Place all dice of that number in the corresponding casino. It doesn't matter whether the selected casino already has dice from you or your opponents.
Remove the remaining dice from the arena, then the next player in turn order rolls their dice and places them, and so on, until all players have placed all their dice.

Example: During his third turn, Ben rolls his remaining 5 dice: four 3s and a 5.
He chooses the four 3s and places them all in the casino. (He is not allowed to place less than all four of those dice!)
Next turn, Ben will roll his last die and place it accordingly.
If you are out of dice, you pass for the rest of the round. (At the end of a round it might happen that only one player has any dice left and thus gets to take multiple turns in a row).
The Chips
... may be used during the game to "sit out" your turn. If you are not satisfied with the result of your roll, you may pay one of your chips and pass the turn by removing all your dice from the arena. Play continues with the player to your left, as normal.
Payout starts when the last player has placed their final die in a casino.
First, check each casino to see if two or more players have placed the same number of dice there. The bigger die (also called "Biggy") counts as two smaller dice! Whenever there is a tie, those players remove all their dice from the casino.

Example 1: Anna has placed five dice in the casino, Ben placed three, Carla placed one plus her "Biggy" (= equals three), and Denny placed one. Since they are tied, Ben and Carla remove their dice.
Example 2: Anna has placed her "Biggy" and Carla has placed two dice in the casino. Ben and Denny placed one each: All four players remove their dice.
Now pay out the money cards next to the '/ casino ("Miracle"). The player with the most dice in the casino wins the money card with the higher value. The runner up wins the other money card. All other players leave the casino empty-handed. Pay out the other five casinos in the same manner.
After payout, if there are any money cards left in a casino, put them face down under the money card pile. Players may hide the money they won until the end of the game. Finally, take back all your dice and get ready for next round.

Ben wins a $40,000 card. The other $40,000 card is put back under the pile.
Carla wins the $70,000 card and Ben wins the $30,000 card. Denny gets nothing.
Anna wins $80,000 and Denny wins $50,000.
Second and third round
Place a new pair of money cards next to each casino, just as described in section "Game setup" (see left page). Each player receives 2 more chips (in addition to any leftover chips from the previous round).
The player who won the higher value money card in the casino begins the next round (or the winner of the next lower ranked casino, in case nobody won anything there).
End of the Game
The game ends after three rounds. Count your money. Each leftover chip is worth $10,000. The player with the most money is the winner.
In case of a tie, the player with the most money cards and chips is the winner. If there is still a tie, there are multiple winners.
Variant (for 2 Players)
Apply all rules from the basic game with the following exceptions:
At the beginning of each round, roll all eight dice of a non-player color. Place them in the corresponding casinos. They stay there until the end of the round.
Evaluate the "neutral" dice at the end of each round as if they belong to an imagi- nary player. Any money they win is put under the money card pile.

Example 1: The $80,000 card is won by the neutral player. Put it under the money card pile. Ben wins the $30,000 card.
Example 2: Carla wins the $70,000 card, the neutral player wins the $40,000 card (back under the pile); Ben gets nothing.
These rules also apply when only 2 players play the main game "Las Vegas Royale".
Las Vegas Royale (main Game)
Apply all the above rules, with the following exceptions:
At the beginning of each round, randomly select 3 tiles. Each tile has two sides so besides shuffling them, flip them over as well. Then randomly select a tile and place it next to the casino. Repeat this process for the
casinos. The other casinos (4-6) remain empty.
Distribute the money cards (6 x 2 cards) as described in section "Game Setup" in the basic game. Then, set aside 6 x 2 money cards for rounds 2 and 3 (a total of 24 cards). They must remain face down. Put the rest of the money cards face up on the table. They serve as "bank".
Prepare the 2 black and 9 gray dice, plus the various counters and tokens and set them aside next to the board. You will need some of them, depending on the additional casino tiles. More details can be found on pages 5-8.
All remaining game setup steps match those of the Basic Game.
Game Play
The game plays in the exact same way as the "Las Vegas" basic game, with the following change: Whenever you place any dice in casinos 1, 2, or 3, you "activate" them and something new happens.
In rounds 2 and 3: You remove the three extra tiles, then follow the same process of randomly selecting 3 of them and place them next to casinos 1, 2, and 3. It may happen that the same tile is used multiple times.
If you don't want that to happen, put the used tiles aside after each round, or make sure their other face is used. Everything else is described in section "Second and third round" in the basic game.
End of the Game
The game ends after three rounds. The player with the most money is the winner.
In case of a tie, the most money cards and chips decide the winner.
Before the game, you can agree to use fewer or more than three tiles per round. The maximum is six tiles (one for each casino). Have fun!
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