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Rating: 5.6 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 3-6 players
Playing time: 10-20 minutes

Official Site: Publisher's webpage

Created by: Bill Eberle, Edward Horn, Jr., Jack Kittredge, Peter Olotka

Published by: Asterion Press, Edge Entertainment, Fantasy Flight Games

Alternate Names: Los Impostores, La Truffa, Los Impostores, Spadkobiercy


Hector Vargas was a legendary business magnate who built an empire on a string of shady promotions and Ponzi schemes. He also left a tangled personal life in his wake.

He pursued a decadent lifestyle until his demise during his 56th birthday celebration, when the cork from a bottle of champagne ricocheted off the chandelier and into his windpipe.

Before anyone could render aid, Vargas died. In ominous silence, guests began filing out until only a few remained in the mansion's parlor-a circle of those claiming the right to Vargas' fortune: his domineering ex-wife, coy current lover, sycophantic son-in-law, enigmatic distant cousin, haughty chef, shifty gardener, and laconic butler.

Several facts rapidly became apparent to the would-be heirs. First, no one knew the location of their late host's will. Next, the scandalous state of Vargas' personal affairs meant that only a few of those present had ever laid eyes on each other.

Finally, the mansion lay open, offering up its hoard of ill-gotten riches for the most brazen of them to claim.

There was no trust between this greedy and conniving lot. Gate crashers and con artists had always swirled around these gatherings.

The claimants could only agree on one condition as the inevitable accusations flew: only those who had actually endured a life with Vargas could remain. Any imposters would be discovered and booted from the mansion.

So, with crossed fingers the claimants each silently vowed that they would be the last to remain!

When an unscrupulous business magnate meets an undignified end, a fierce competition for his estate begins.

In Hoax, three to six players each take on the secret identity of a member of Vargas' family or household.

No matter what your identity, your goal is to eliminate all your competitors by catching them in a lie - but making a false accusation will take you out of the game.

If you want to make informed accusations, you must amass resources and spend them to investigate other players. To win, you have to both avoid accusations and judiciously make them, all the while making your opponents believe that all your lies are true.

Whoever is devious enough to outlast all the other players wins!

Retail Price:$13

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