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Although there's plenty of strategy and nuance in this game, we offer an additional variation, along with a version based on the included Expansion Pack.

Players can use these rules separately or use both options together. For both of these options, use the rules above except for the changes noted below.

Secret Identities

  1. The winner is the player who collects the most information and discovers the secret identities of the other agents. Each player will need paper and pen (or they can use their cellphones) to write down their predictions.

    Players may take notes on other players' moves during the game to help them figure out their identities.

  2. When the first Scoring Token reaches or passes #29 on the scoring track, all players write down their predictions on which agent belongs to which player. For each agent, they write down a player's name. Players write an "X" to show which agents they think are the free agents.

  3. At the end of the game, players reveal their Secret Agent Passport Cards and their predictions on who is playing which agent.

  4. Players move their Scoring Tokens five spaces for each agent they correctly identified (including the agents with no players). The player whose Scoring Token passed Finish by the largest number of spaces wins the game.

    If the winning token matches one of the free agents, then none of the players win.

Top Secret Expansion Pack Setup

  1. When playing this version with seven players, remove the Top Secret Card that shows two agent cards and place it in the box.

    When playing with fewer than seven players, please consult the rules for this card in #5 under Collecting Top Secret Cards, below.

  2. Shuffle all of the remaining Top Secret Cards and place them face-down in a stack on one of the two parks in the middle of the board. Used cards will be discarded face-up in a pile on the other park.

  3. After figuring out the correct number of agents to play with, place the unused sets (Passport Card, Scoring Token, and Playing Piece) back into the box.

    Deal one Secret Agent Passport Card to each player and put the remaining Secret Agent Passport Cards underneath the gameboard without looking at them. These will be the free agents.

  4. After dealing out the Secret Agent Passport Cards, deal two Top Secret Cards to each player from the stack in the center of the board. Players should keep these cards secret.

Collecting Top Secret Cards

  1. When players roll "1-3", they may either move agents according to the regular rules or choose not to move and draw one additional Top Secret Card from the top of the stack in the center of the board.

  2. Players may also draw one additional Top Secret Card on their turns when they move one or more agents to the Ruins, using the roll of the die or a Top Secret Card.

  3. Players may not hold more than four Top Secret Cards each in their hands.

  4. Players may play a Top Secret Card on the same turn that they collect it.

  5. When playing with fewer than seven players, keep the "second agent" Top Secret Card in the stack of cards. If a player draws this card, use these rules:

    1. Without looking at the other card, the player takes one of the free agents from underneath the gameboard. This player has "turned" an enemy agent and now plays with two secret agents.

    2. If there are no more free agents under the board, put this card back into the box and draw a new Top Secret Card.

    3. At the end of the game, use only the secret agent who is furthest along on the scoring track - either the original agent or the free agent.

Playing Top Secret Cards

  • After a player rolls and moves (or rolls a 1-3 and doesn't move), but before scoring, that player announces whether s/he would like to play a Top Secret Card and asks if any other player would like to play a Top Secret Card.

  • If no player wants to play a Top Secret Card, that player moves the Scoring Tokens if there is a scoring situation. Play passes to the left.

  • If one player wants to play a Top Secret Card, that player plays a card and follows the instructions on the card. The player whose turn it is moves the Scoring Tokens if there is a scoring situation and play passes to the left.

  • If more than one player wants to play a Top Secret Card, then a Top Secret Round starts. If the player whose turn it is announced that s/he wants to play a card, s/he plays first by playing one or more cards and following the instructions on the card(s).

  • If the player whose turn it is did not announce, then the player closest to that player's left who announced gets the chance to play one or more cards and follow the instructions on the card(s). Play continues to the left.

  • After a player plays as many cards as desired and follows the instructions on the card(s), the player to his/her left may play a card or pass, regardless of what this player announced before the Top Secret Round started.

    In other words, players may change their minds about playing cards based on the cards that have been played.

  • Play continues in this manner until all players pass (consecutively - players may pass one time and still play a card the next time they get the chance). If there is a scoring situation, the player whose turn it is moves all of the Scoring Tokens.

  • Players who play multiple cards choose which order to apply them in.

  • After playing a card, players discard it, face-up, to form a discard pile on the board.

  • When players use a Top Secret Card to move one or more agents into the building with the safe it could create a scoring situation, although this could be canceled if another player plays a card that moves the agent(s) out of the building with the safe.

  • A scoring situation occurs if one or more agents have been moved into the building with the safe (either by a roll of the die or by playing a card) and they are still there after the end of a Top Secret Round.

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