- 1 board
- 6 racing markers
- 18 lettuce cards
- 94 carrot cards
- 1 rule booklet
Place the board in the middle of the table. Sort the carrot cards by value and stack them on the appropriate pictures on the board. This is the carrot bank.

Each player takes 1 racing marker, 3 lettuce cards, and carrot cards worth 65 (2 "5", 1 each of "10", "15", and "30").
With 4 or more players, each takes 1 additional "30" carrot card.

Place the unused lettuce cards back in the box.
The race track is the start space, 63 action spaces, and the finish space. The action spaces are numbered from 63 (after the start) to 1 (before the finish). The small number in the upper left corner of each action space indicates the number of spaces from that space to the finish.

Each player places his racing marker on the start space.
The players choose a starting player, who begins the race by moving his marker. The other players follow in clockwise order, each moving his marker. The rules for the 2-player game are at the end of these rules.
Object of the Game
As in any race, the first player to the finish is the winner. A player may only move to the finish space by exact count and must have eaten 3 lettuce cards before moving there.
Also, a player must have reduced his carrot supply: the first to finish must have 10 or fewer carrots left, the second must have 20 or fewer, the third must have 30 or fewer, and so on.
Game Play

The die is not used for movement, but only to randomly determine the result of a player moving to a hare space.
Players choose how far and how fast to move their racing markers. A player, on his turn, must move his racing marker, either forward or backward, unless the action space he is on requires or allows an alternate action. If the player moves, he must move his racing marker to an unoccupied space.
A player choosing to move forward, must pay the carrot bank for the move in carrots from his carrot supply. The cost for the move is shown on the summary card and is based on the number of spaces the player moves his marker.
A player choosing to move backwards, must move his marker backwards to the closest tortoise space. The player does not pay for the move. Instead, the player takes carrots from the carrot bank based on how far he moves.
Players will guickly discover that forward movement rapidly exhausts their carrot supplies and they will need to find ways to replenish their carrots.
To win, players will need to cleverly balance the fast forward jumps of the hare with the slower, sometimes backward movement of the tortoise.
A player choosing to move forward, may move forward to any empty space, except tortoise spaces, by paying the carrot bank the number of carrots indicated for the move. Moving 1 space forward costs 1 carrot, moving 2 spaces forward costs 3 carrots (1 + 2 = 3), moving forward 3 spaces costs 6 carrots (1 + 2 + 3 = 6), and so on.
The die result table at the and of the rules shows how many carrots a player pays for moving forward the distance he desires.
A player chooses the space he wants to move to, counts the number of spaces from his current space to the new space, looks up the cost on the chart, and pays this amount to the carrot bank. The player counts all spaces, empty or occupied by other players' markers.
As all spaces are numbered, a player can easily calculate the distance to be moved by subtracting the number of the space he wants to move to from the number of the space he occupies.
For example, Anna is on space 30 and wants to go to space 25. As the difference is 5, she must pay for a move of 5 spaces to make this move. She looks at the die result table and finds her move costs 15 carrots.

The player must pay the required carrots before moving. The players may make change from the carrot bank at any time, just as if the carrots were money. If a player does not have enough carrots for the move he wants to make, he must choose a different move.
When a player moves backwards, he may only move to the closest tortoise space behind him. If that space is occupied, he may not move backwards on this turn.
When a player moves backwards, he takes 10 carrots from the carrot bank for each space moved.
In the rare situation where a player has too few carrots to move forward to an available space and the closest tortoise space behind him is occupied, he must start the race over.
He moves his racing marker to the start space and takes carrots from the bank to increase his carrot supply to the amount he started the game with. He does not, however, take any lettuce cards.

After moving, the player executes the action required by the space he moved to. These actions of the different spaces are described below.
The Actions of the Different Spaces
Some spaces require the player to take immediate action. Others may require the player to take the action on his next turn before moving.
These actions are also summarized at the end of the rules.

When a player moves to one of the four race position spaces, he does nothing immediately. On his next turn, before he moves, he compares the numbers on the space with his actual position in the race.
If his position matches one of the numbers in the space, he takes carrots from the carrot bank equal to 10 times the matching number. Then he moves normally. In the "1/5/6" space, a player takes carrots when he is in first (10 carrots), fifth (50 carrots), or sixth (60 carrots) place.
A player does not take carrots when he moves to the space, but just before leaving the space on his next turn! Naturally, the player's position in the race will likely change before his next turn so he cannot guarantee that he will get carrots.
Example: Anna moves to a position space with the number "2". She receives nothing immediately. On her next turn, she is in second place in the race and, thus, takes 20 (2 x 10) carrots from the carrot bank.

When a player moves to a carrot space, he does nothing immediately. On his next turn, however, he may choose to make a normal move or to remain in the carrot space. When a player chooses to remain on the carrot space, he must take 10 carrots from the carrot bank or must put 10 carrots in the carrot bank from his carrot supply.
A player may choose to stay on the space for several consecutive turns and take or put 10 carrots each turn. In this way, a player with too few carrots can earn extra carrots.
Alternatively, a player who is near the finish, but has too many carrots to legally move to the finish, may use a carrot space to get rid of the extra carrots and then move to the finish when he has the appropriate number of carrots.

A player may only move to a lettuce space when he has one or more lettuce cards remaining. When a player moves to a lettuce space, he immediately turns his racing marker face down on the space. On his next turn, he turns his racing marker face up and "eats" a lettuce by discarding one of his lettuce cards.
He removes the lettuce card from the game. For eating the lettuce, the player takes carrots from the carrot bank equal to 10 times his position in the race.
A player in first place gets 10 carrots, a player in second place gets 20 carrots, a player in third place gets 30 carrots, and so on.
Note: a player spends one turn on a lettuce space to eat a lettuce and take the appropriate number of carrots. On the turn after he eats the lettuce and takes the carrots, the player must make a normal move. He may not remain to eat another lettuce.

A player may only move to a tortoise space by moving backwards to the space. A player may never move forward to a tortoise space. Also, the player may only move backwards to the closest tortoise space. If the closest tortoise space is occupied, the player may not move backwards.
However, a player may move backwards from one tortoise space to another, as long as the second tortoise space is unoccupied.
When a player moves to a tortoise space, he take carrots from the carrot bank egual to io times the number of spaces he moved to reach the space.

When a player moves to a hare space, he immediately rolls the die to determine the action he must take. There is always a risk in moving to a hare space because the possible actions can help or hinder the player. The action depends on the player's position in the race. The player in first place has a greater risk of being hindered than the player in last place.
After the player rolls the die, he determines his position in the race. Using the die roll and his race position, he looks at the die result table to see what action is required.
Example: Anna moves to a hare space while in fourth place. She rolls a 3 and moves her marker one position forward.
Possible Hare Space Actions

Lose next turn: The player turns his racing marker face down. On his next turn, he turns it face up, but does nothing else. He makes a normal move on his next turn.

Give or take 10 carrots: The player takes 10 carrots from the carrot bank or puts 10 carrots into the carrot bank. He makes a normal move on his next turn.

1 carrot space forward: The player moves his racing marker forward to the next unoccupied carrot space. The player may pass one or more other markers in this way.

1 carrot space backward: The player moves his racing marker backward to the closest unoccupied carrot space. The player may pass one or more other markers in this way.

1 position forward: The player moves his racing marker to the first unoccupied space in front of the player in the position in front of him in the race.
If there are two or more markers in a row, the player moves past all of them to the next unoccupied space. Then the player executes the action reguired by the space he has moved to.
Note: The player may not move to a tortoise space and may not move to a lettuce space if he has no more lettuce cards. In either case, the player treats such spaces as occupied and moves to the next unoccupied space.

1 position backward: The player moves his racing marker to the first unoccupied space behind the player in the position in back of him in the race. If there are two or more markers in a row, the player moves past all of them to the next unoccupied space. Then the player executes the action required by the space he has moved to.
Note: The player may not move to a tortoise space and may not move to a lettuce space if he has no more lettuce cards. In either case, the player treats such spaces as occupied and moves to the next unoccupied space.

Eat 1 lettuce: The player follows the same rules as though he were on a lettuce space: he turns his marker face down, in the next round turns it face up, discards a lettuce, and takes the appropriate number of carrots, and moves normally in the round after that.
If a player has no more lettuce cards, he still turns his marker face down. In the next round he turns it face up and moves normally in the round after that. Thus, he loses a turn.

Eat 1 carrot: The player puts 1 carrot in the carrot bank. He moves normally in the next round.

This move was free: The player must take back from the carrot bank the carrots he paid for this move.

Move again: The player must move again. The move is like a normal move and must be paid for as a normal move. After moving, the player executes the action reQuired by the space he moves to.
End of the Game

The small number in each space indicates how many spaces the player is from the finish line. To move to the finish line, the player looks up this number in the die result table and pays this many carrots to the carrot bank.
He then moves his racing marker past the finish line to the first available finishing position (numbered 1-5). A player may only move to the finish if he has no lettuce cards and he has equal to or less than the allowed number of carrots in his carrot supply.
Both must be satisfied! The first player to finish is allowed to have 10 carrots, the second player is allowed 20 carrots, the third player is allowed 30 carrots, and so on.
The player who first fulfills both requirements and crosses the finish line is the winner.
He places his racing marker on the number 1 finishing position. The game continues with the other players. The second player to cross the finish line puts his racing marker on the number 2 finishing position and so on. The 6th player need not finish as there are no positions for him.
Note: In all situations where race position is important: the lettuce spaces, the hare spaces, and the position spaces, all racing markers are counted, even those that have already finished the race.
The 2 Player Race
Each player takes 2 racing markers, 5 lettuce cards, and carrots worth 95 in value. The winner is the first player to move both his racing markers across the finish line. On a player's turn, he decides which racing marker to move. He may not move both markers on a turn.
When a player moves one of his markers to a lettuce space, he must eat the lettuce in his next turn and move that marker in the turn after.
A player may move his first racing marker across the finish line without considering the normal carrot requirement, but he must have no lettuce cards.
When a player moves his second racing marker across the finish line, he must meet the normal carrot requirement: if it finishes second, he must have 20 or fewer carrots left and if third, 30 or fewer carrots.
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