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Rating: 6 Fair
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: Donald X. Vaccarino, Patrick Rennwanz, Claus Stephan

Published by: Queen Games,

Alternate Names: Szmal


America.. .the late 60's. Following the Beat generation, hippies and the counter culture dominate the street scene now

So peace, love and understanding rule the day? Yeah right. Not everyone chooses to reject materialism. As post-war immigration and migration change the demographics of the US, gangs re-emerge as a form of identification, protection and ultimately.wealth.

Gangs are no longer armed with switchblades and bats. The Gun Control Act of 1968 has not been passed into law yet and automatic weapons move freely into the country and across state lines.

Skirmishes and gangland wars take a heavy toll. The gang conflicts aren't just driven by territory . they are also driven by business opportunities. Gang bosses invest more and more into legal business affairs, but don't hesitate to unleash their thugs on the competition to gain an advantage.

You are not the good guy this time. The stakes are high and your competitors are enemies - in the boardroom and on the street. It's gangland war and only Greed that counts!

In the card game Greed, crime lords (the players) try to earn more money than anyone else through clever use of their cards.

At the start of the game, each player receives a random hand of twelve cards from a deck of 80.

Players draft one card, pass the remaining cards left, draft a second card, pass again, draft a third card, pass again, then the game changes; players simultaneously choose and reveal a card, carrying out its effects, then they draft another card, pass the remaining cards, play again, and so on until ten "playing" rounds have passed, at which point the game ends and players tally their holdings.

The card types are thugs, holdings and actions. Thugs and holdings might have a cost to be played (perhaps cash paid to the bank or the discarding of a holding) or a condition that you must meet (having two thugs, for example, or a collection of symbols on cards in your possession) in addition to an effect, which is unique to each card. (Each action has a unique effect as well).

When you play a holding with one or more symbols, you place a token on that card for each symbol on it and an additional token for each symbol of that type already in your possession. These tokens are worth $10k each at the end of the game, and you add this value to whatever cash you've collected through your card plays.

Retail Price:$27

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