These are the 11 Landmark Cards in the base game.
If a Landmark Card features a one-time effect () it takes place before activation.
Armadale Castle:
In the Final Scoring, for the first 8 Coins you own, you receive 2 Victory Points instead of the usual 1 Victory Point per Coin.
Donan Castle:

Immediately place 1 of your Clan Markers on the Clan Board. You need to pay the road cost, if applicable.
Castle of Mey:

Instead of activating tiles in your territory by placing Castle of Mey next to them, you may immediately activate all the Tiles in your territory. Each Tile can still only be activated once per turn.
Castle Stalker:

Immediately take 3 Coins from the pool.
Castle Moil:

In all Scoring Rounds, the Scotsmen in your Home Castle count double when calculating Victory Points. So, if you have 3 Scotsmen in your home castle, they count as 6 Scotsmen for scoring purposes.
Duart Castle:

Immediately place 1 of your Clan Markers on the Clan Board. You receive 1 Coin.

Immediately take 1 Barley and place it on the Inverness Tile. Also take 1 Whisky Cask and add it to your Whisky supply (next to your play area with your Landmark Cards and Persons, if available).
Loch Lochy:

Immediately take any 2 resources (Wood, Stone, Barley, Sheep or Cattle) and place them on the Loch Lochy Tile.
Loch Morar:

You may remove up to 2 of the Tiles from your clan territory. Take them out of the game. However, the layout must still be legal. Loch Morar can be removed by its own landmark effect.
If you remove an Overbuild Tile, all Tiles in that position must be removed as well. If removing a Landmark Tile, you keep the Landmark Card. Any resources and Scotsmen on the removed Tile are moved to your Clan Castle.
Loch Ness:
In each of your turns, you can activate any 1 additional Tile in your territory with an Activation symbol on it. This Tile does not need to be adjacent to Loch Ness or any other Tile you activate.
However, each Tile can still only be activated once per turn. When placing Loch Ness, you need to first pay the Scotsman (cost of the Tile) and then place the Tile.
The Scotsman needs to be taken from within your home territory. You cannot place Loch Ness adjacent to the Scotsman you used to pay for the cost for Loch Ness.
Loch Shiel:

Immediately place 1 Scotsman on the Loch Shiel Tile and take 1 Whisky Cask and add it to your Whisky supply.
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