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Rating: 0 Unknown
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 0 minutes

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Published by: PlayMonster


The end of the word is just the beginning

Using the letters laid out in the middle, spell a word along the rim of the disc! Build off of the letters the previous player used, so you score more and make them lose points!

If the previous player spelled GAME, and you spell MEETING using their M and E, you cause them to lose two of their points, and you get seven (one for each letter)!

If the next player spells GASP using your G, you lose one of your points and they get four…and so on!

Use a little strategy when you spell, trying to make it difficult for the next player to steal more than one of your letters. As letters from the middle are used, replace them from the extra pile-so your letter choices are always changing!

It's a great game for all levels of spellers.

Retail Price:$0

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