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Rating: 7.1 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 60-43 minutes

Official Site: Official website

Created by: Phil Hazelton, Milly Hanson

Published by: Cards of Fate


Forest of Fate is a social card game, where teamwork and tough decisions determine your fate. Choose wisely, and you just might make it home with the story of a lifetime.

The quest is already done: your goal is to make it back to The Finishing Post, your local tavern, to tell your epic tale. Form a party of up to six characters and brave your way home through the Forest together, meeting threats at every turn with your particular skills and abilities.

In your way stand beasts, bandits and nature itself - colorfully illustrated by 36 unique encounter cards, each with 16 surprising outcomes. Draw a set at the beginning of each game and place them in a random path (that you decide) to ensure that no two playthroughs are ever the same.

Resolve outcomes using your choice of approach and skill, looking up the appropriate paragraph reference in the printed or digital story book. When the going gets tough use the legendary artefacts you recovered, or items you find on the way, to help you out - but don't imagine this will be easy.

The Forest is a dangerous place and it's possible that some of you will not make it back. It's possible that none of you will make it back. Fail, and a shocking twist of fate awaits you.

Lose all your life points and you may allow the Forest to absorb your soul, turning you into a dreaded Shade. This is your opportunity to extract vengeance on the party that so cruelly abandoned you. Flip your character card to reveal a powerful new ability enabling you to thwart their progress - but only if you can correctly predict their next move!

Forest of Fate takes the Choose Your Own Adventure format and transforms it into an enthralling yet easy-to-learn group activity, with elements of strategy, negotiation and over 40,000 words of high-quality, original narrative.

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