In a 2-player game, there is an game-controlled 3rd player: Sandra the Police Inspector.
- During Phase 1, Sandra does not receive any income.
- During Phase 2, each player will get to place 2 City tiles (Sandra does not count as a player For this).
- During Phase 4, adjust Sandra's turn order according to her Notoriety as normal.
- During Phase 5, Sandra takes an Action in turn order as normal.
Also, For the purpose of a player avoiding Police Officers, Sandra counts as another Police Officer of any type (chosen by the player avoiding her).
Sandra visits closed businesses if the card comes out. At night and dawn, Sandra uses her Extra Tokens if she has any.
Note: After taking a Contact card in a 2-Player game, slide all Contact cards to the right to fill any gaps and then draw a new card to place in the leftmost position of the display. Do the same when Sandra takes Contact cards.
When playing a 2-player game, add the following to the setup instructions:
Choose one player color not currently in use this game. These pieces will be used by Sandra, a game- controlled 3rd player.
Place the Inspector (the player pawn for Sandra) on the Hospital tile.
Place Sandra's Notoriety marker on one of the bottom spaces of the Notoriety track.
Place Sandra's Turn order marker in position 3 on the turn order track.
Place 4 Sandra's Notoriety cubes and her 9 Income cubes next to the Game board.
Take the Inspector cards, shuffle them, and place them face down as the Inspector deck next to the Game board.
Sandra's Turn
On her turn, Sandra always moves, she never rests.
Step I: Travel
Reveal cards one by one From the Inspector deck until you reveal a card depicting a Location which is currently in the city. Move Sandra directly there (she has unlimited MP).
Exception: Ignore Exit cards for open exits, Sandra will only move to a closed exit.
Step 2: Avoid
Sandra is a Police Officer herself, so she ignores this step.
Step 3: Visit
IF one or more other players are at her Location, her Notoriety increases according to the normal rules.
Each time Sandra gains Notoriety during her turn, place one of her Notoriety cubes above her Notoriety marker. Similarly, each time Sandra loses Notoriety during her turn, place one of her Notoriety cubes below her Notoriety marker.
Then, Follow the instructions on Sandra's card.
After all steps have been performed, remove that card From the game; Sandra never visits the same location twice. Cards that were skipped in the TRAVEL step are returned to the deck and shuffled back in. There is no Discard Pile.
Sandra's cards are explained below.
Business Locations:

Sandra gains 1 Notoriety.
Place one of Sandra's cubes in the white hex of the business. If this is the 2nd cube placed for that business, the building closes as usual.
Discard the 2 rightmost Contact cards (back to the game box). If any or both of the discarded cards have the ability of giving an Extra Action disc, she gets that disc.
If, this turn, Sandra has now visited a group of businesses, she receives an Extra Action disc.
Safe Houses:

Sandra loses 1 Notoriety.
Place one of Sandra's cubes in the red hex of the Safe House.
Discard one key at random from that Safe House (return it to the box).
Discard one Fixer tile at random (return it to the box).
If, this turn, Sandra has now visited all 3 Safe Houses, she gets an Extra Action disc

Sandra gains 1 Notoriety (Stores A and C) or loses 1 Notoriety (Stores B and D).
Discard one Locker tile at random from the depicted stack of Locker tiles (return it to the box without anyone seeing it). For Store D, discard one Locker tile at random from every stack of Locker tiles.
Discard the 2 rightmost Contact cards (back to the game box). If any of the discarded cards gives an Extra Action disc, she gets that disc.
Closed Exits:

Sandra loses 1 Notoriety.
Discard one of the Exit tiles on this exit at random (return it to the box without anyone seeing it).
Discard the 2 rightmost Contact cards (back to the game box). If any of the discarded cards gives an Extra Action disc, she gets that disc.
Adjusting Notoriety
Sandra's Notoriety is adjusted at the relevant time by checking the number of her Notoriety cubes above and below her Notoriety marker on the Notoriety track. If there is a cube above, her token moves up, and vice versa. If there is one cube above and one below, her token does not move. After her token has been moved, return all of her Notoriety cubes back to beside the board.
If she passes a threshold, each player with less Notoriety than her moves one Police Officer in her direction following the normal rules.
If any player passes a threshold and Sandra has less Notoriety, the non-active player moves one Police Officer on Sandra's behalf. The rules for moving Police Officers remains the same.
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