Fixer Tiles - 1x Use
Helicopter (Cost $1k): When on a tile with a Helipad, use this tile and spend 1 MP to move to any Location or Land space on a City tile 1 or 2 tiles away from your current tile. If you move 2 tiles away, ignore all Police Officers from the tile you move through. You still need to avoid ones on the tile you left.
Safe (Cost $3k): Receive Income.
Disguise (Cost $2k): Lose 1 Notoriety.
ID Card (Cost $4k): Take an Extra Action disc (see page xx).
First Aid Kit (Cost $1k): Heal 1 Wound (move a cube from your Red Wounds box to your Green Wounds box).
Motorcycle (Cost $2k): Use one ability of a gang. You do not need to have a gang member for this.
Energy drink (Cost $2k): Flip back all your face-down Equipment tiles and Contact cards.
Telephone (Cost $2k): Take a Contact card (see page xx).
Asset Tiles - 1x Use
Avoid all Police Officers on one tile.
Move one Federal (Red) Police Officer from any tile to any other tile without that type of police.
Move one County (Blue) Police Officer from any tile to any other tile without that type of police.
Move one SWAT (Black) Police Officer from any tile to any other tile without that type of police.
Open any closed building or any locker (a master key).
Heal 1 Wound (move a cube from your Red Wounds box to the Green Wounds box).
Take an Extra Action disc and place it in the indicated space on your Player board. (see page xx).
Equipment Tiles
Vest (Cost $2k): Avoid a Federal (Red) Police Officer.
Hat (Cost $2k): Avoid a County (Blue) Police Officer.
Helmet (Cost $2k): Avoid a SWAT (Black) Police Officer.
Gas Mask (Cost $3k): Avoid a County (Blue) or SWAT (Black) Police Officer.
Contact Cards
Snitch: Remove 1 Police Officer of the indicated color from the board and put it back in the box.
Fixer: Take an Extra Action disc.
Fighter/Boxer/Ninja: Avoid all Police Officers of the colors indicated on one tile.
Bribe/Rally: Move any Police Officer of the indicated color to any tile without that type of police.
Informer: Lose 1 Notoriety.
Spy 1 : Take 1 Contact card.
Spy 2 : Unlock 1 Asset tile.
Spy 3: Flip over all face down Contact cards and Equipment on your Player board. Note: Remember that Contract cards are flipped face down after resolving their effect.
Medic: Heal 1 Wound.
Medevac: Move directly to the Hospital. You may not move again this turn.
Gang: Use one of the 3 possible Gang Executive Actions.
Chopper: Move from a tile with a Heliport to a Location or Land space 1 or 2 tiles away.
General Store: Gain income.
Stunt: Avoid 1 Police Officer of any type.
Fast car: Avoid all Police Officers on one tile.
Jet Ski: You can move through Water spaces on one body of water this turn.
Sewer: Move to a tile 2 hexes away as per the diagram. Ignore the Police Officers on the tiles you move between. Pay movement costs as normal. If the you leave the sewer in a different land type than when you enter it, one MP is used. Otherwise is free.
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