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Rating: 6.5 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 1-4 players
Playing time: 30-9 minutes

Created by: Ralf zur Linde, Anne Pätzke

Published by: Schmidt Spiele, Stronghold Games


In Dizzle, players want to fill their scorecards with dice collected each round.

Players take turns selecting dice from the center of the table, and the next die they collect must match the others.

At the end of a round, mark all boxes on your scorecard filled with dice.

This might sound simple, but of course others will compete for the dice you need...

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  • 1 Pad with 4 different levels
  • 4 Felt-tip pens
  • 13 Dice

Object of the Game

Each player puts dice on fields with the matching number of pips (dots on the die) on their game sheet. At the end of each turn, the fields get marked with an . This way players collect more and more 's on their sheets.

Some fields enable special actions or provide extra points at the end of the game. The player with the most points at the end wins!


There are 4 levels of difficulty, and players decide which level they want to play. Each player receives a Felt-tip pen and the game sheet for that level. Depending on the number of players, different numbers of dice are needed. …

Game sheets have normal white fields and special fields. The effect of the special fields occurs

  • during the game, when placing a die on it
  • at the end of a turn (while putting 's)
  • or at the end of the game

Effect During The Game

The special field "key" is used to open a lock later in the game. A player is only allowed to put a die on a lock-field when they have already covered the respective key-field with an in a previous turn. …

"Dizzle" can also be played solo. The goal of the solo game is the same, collect as many points as possible. The game ends after 10 rounds. The rules of the game stay mostly the same.

You need 8 dice and 2 additional dice, which are rolled separately from the 8 actual dice. The 8 dice are used as a general display from which the player takes their dice. The additional 2 dice simulate other players that take dice from the display.

After the player has taken a die and placed it on their game sheet, they must roll the 2 additional dice. Matching with the rolled result, up to two dice must be taken from the general display. …

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