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Rating: 5.9 Fair
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 120-46 minutes

Official Site: Official webpage

Created by: Jerry Hawthorne, Tregis, Jimmy Xia

Published by: Edge Entertainment, Plaid Hat Games

Alternate Names: Comanautes


Dr. Martin Strobal, the greatest mind of our generation, lies in a coma. His Mobius Ring invention promised to change the world, but has instead given us our greatest disaster.

Meant to provide the world with unlimited clean energy, the Mobius Ring malfunctioned, bathing Dr. Strobal in radiation, and creating a singularity that threatens to consume the world.

We need him back, and the only way to revive him from his coma is to enter his subconscious and free him from the demons found within.

Comanauts is the second installment in Jerry Hawthorne's Adventure Book system following Stuffed Fables. This game of exploration and danger builds on the mechanisms first introduced in that earlier title, providing a new experience for more mature players.

Race against time to revive Dr. Strobal by exploring his tormented mind. As players work together to uncover the secrets of the doctor's subconscious, they will follow his inner child across eleven different Comazones. There they attempt to locate and overcome the Inner Demon that holds Dr. Strobal hostage.

Assume the role of 22 unique avatars as you explore the dangers and secrets of each world locked inside the doctor's dream. Can you free Dr. Strobal from his own mind before it's too late?

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Comanauts: Drake Promo Pack

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  • 1 Rulebook
  • 1 Adventure Book
  • 1 Sideboard
  • 1 Dice Bag
  • 38 Dice
  • 60 Item Cards
  • 11 Totem Cards
  • 6 Environment Cards
  • 22 Avatar Cards
  • 32 Hostile Cards
  • 13 I.D. Entity Cards
  • 55 Clue Cards
  • 11 Comazone Cards
  • 10 Vital Signs Cards
  • 24 Status Cards
  • 4 Rules Reference Cards
  • 4 Player Sheets
  • 22 Avatar Standees
  • 1 Inner Child Standee
  • 1 Adult Martin Standee
  • 4 Magnacycle Standees
  • 30 Hostile Standees
  • 13 I.D. Entity Standees
  • 1 Situation Token
  • 4 Door Tokens
  • 4 Suspicious Tokens
  • 4 Objective Tokens
  • 1 Bookmark Token
  • 30 Clarity Tokens
  • 6 Insight Tokens
  • 5 Fire Tokens
  • 5 Search Tokens
  • 20 Life Force Tokens
  • 1 Campaign Sticker Sheet
  • 20 Standee Stands

Object of the Game

Comanauts is a cooperative adventure game for 2-4 players. In it, players take on the role of comanauts, explorers who enter the irradiated dreamscape of Dr. Martin Strobal's subconscious, in an attempt to rouse him from his coma and save the world. …

Adventure Book

Player Sheet

  1. Default Status Slot
  2. Avatar Slot
  3. Clarity Storage Slot
  4. Die Storage Slot
  5. Equipment Slot
  6. Inventory Slot


  1. Group Task Track
  2. Inner Child Slot
  3. Threat Track
  4. Enemy Slots
  5. The Morass
  6. Discard Pool
  7. Insight Token Slot
  8. Situation Token Slot

Avatar Card

  1. Name
  2. Type
  3. Home Comazone
  4. Die Bonus
  5. Clarity Ability
  6. Suspicious Comazones
  7. Starting Items

Hostile Card

  1. Name
  2. Actions
  3. Defense
  4. Loot

I.D. Entity Card

  1. Name
  2. Actions
  3. Defense
  4. Comazone
  5. Identification Code
  6. Campaign Sticker Space

Item Card

  1. Name
  2. Type
  3. Range
  4. Equipment Slot
  5. Combat Bonus
  6. Effect
  7. Keywords

Clue Card

  1. I.D. Identification Code
  2. Read Aloud Text

Other Cards

  1. Totem Card
  2. Status Card
  3. Vital Signs Card
  4. Environment Card

Comazone Card

  1. Name
  2. Comazone Number
  3. Comazone Info
  4. I.D. Entity
  5. Martin's Age


  1. Insight
  2. Suspicious
  3. Clarity
  4. Search
  5. Objective
  6. Fire
  7. Life Force
  8. Bookmark
  9. Door
  10. Situation

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