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Rating: 6.4 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 4-12 players
Playing time: 30-19 minutes

Created by: Richard A. Moore, Doreen Gay-Kassel

Published by: Classic Games, Gamewright

Alternate Names: Clay Mania, Patamania


Sink your hands into this fast-action party game that is sure to turn any gathering into total Clay-hem! You have 45 seconds to squish, squash and sculpt a mound of clay into an object while your teammates try to guess what you're making.

You can animate the clay but you're not allowed to say a word! The first team to collect five colored tokens wins!

In addition to providing hours of laughter, Claymania is a great aid for developing creative expression.

Players employ a variety of creative skills such as non-verbal communication, artistic ability through clay sculpture and abstract thought. They also develop quick thinking and acting skills as well as learn a wide range of vocabulary words.

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