The School of Architects: Introductory Level
The Vigil (an Easier, more Tactical Game)
At the beginning of the game, place the Menace pawn in front of you. Draw a tile from the "safe" pile and place it next to the pawn. This tile is your "Vigil".
Whenever you draw a Defender tile, you have a third possible action, in addition to
A) Place it or B) Discard it:
A-2) Replace the Vigil: Swap the Defender tile you just drew with the Vigil tile. You must now place or discard this tile as though you just drew it. There is now a new tile next to the Menace; it is your new "Vigil" which you may choose to swap for on a future turn.
There is no limit to the number of times you may 'Replace the Vigil' during a game.
You may not 'Replace the Vigil' with a Traitor tile.
The Prophet (a more Difficult Game)
At the beginning of the game, choose 1 of the 3 Ordeal cards and place the Menace pawn next to it. The chosen Ordeal card now requires 1 fewer Traitor tile than usual before it must be encountered. After facing this Ordeal, the Menace pawn is returned to the box.
A general note for all the appendices: players are welcome to use variants from one level's appendix with a different level of the game. Be warned, however, that it may affect the difficulty of the game to a greater or lesser degree than normal.
The Admiral's Academy: Base Level
The Premonition (an Easier Version)
At the beginning of the game, place the Menace pawn in front of you.
Once during the game, you may choose to ignore a Traitor tile you just drew. Remove the Traitor tile and the Menace pawn from the game without suffering a penalty.
Note: You may not use the Menace pawn to remove a black bordered Traitor tile.
The Prison (a More Difficult Version)
At the beginning of the game, place the Menace pawn in front of you.
In addition to encountering the 3 Ordeals, you must build a prison to contain the Shadow of the Menace. This prison is built separately from your castle, and consists of 8 tiles that surround the Menace pawn.
Whenever you draw a Dream tile, you may now choose to add it to the prison. Each tile used to build the prison (after the first) must be placed adjacent to a previously placed tile. Rule 3 of tile placement (same shapes may not be adjacent to each other) applies here.
Note: Once a tile has been placed in the prison, it remains there until the end of the game.
An effect that may or must be applied to the castle may NOT be applied to the prison instead (e.g., destroying a tile y discarding a Pyro or Traitor tile).
After encountering the first Ordeal, verify that the prison is complete. If it is, continue the game. If it is not, you must destroy 6 tiles in your castle before continuing the game. Do the same after encountering the second Ordeal.
If the prison remains incomplete by the end of the third Ordeal, you lose the game.
The Menace: Expert Level
A Cold Sweat (an Easier Version)

Place the Menace pawn in front of you. During the game, if you draw a Traitor tile, you may choose to discard it without penalty if you place the Menace pawn on the highest tile of 1 of the 4 middle columns (you choose which column).
This tile is now haunted by the Shadow of the Menace.
- This tile may not be part of a defensive formation.
- No tile may be placed orthogonally adjacent to this tile.
- If this tile is ever destroyed, you lose immediately.
This tile may be moved (along with the pawn) by a special power (Juggler or Pyro) or a destruction. Although tiles may not be placed or moved adjacent to the haunted tile, others tiles may slide next to the haunted tile due to a special power or a destruction.
Note: You may not choose to discard a black-bordered Traitor tile.
The Unnameable Horror (a More Difficult Version)
Place the Menace pawn in front of you. When you draw a black-bordered Traitor tile for the first time, before placing it next to an Ordeal card and resolving its effect, you must first place the Menace pawn on the highest tile of 1 of the 4 middle columns (you choose which column).
This tile is now haunted by the shadow of the Menace.
- This tile may not be part of a defensive formation.
- No tile may be placed orthogonally adjacent to this tile.
- If this tile is ever destroyed, you lose immediately.
This tile may be moved (along with the pawn) by a special power (Juggler or Pyro) or a destruction. Although tiles may not be placed or moved adjacent to the haunted tile, others tiles may slide next to the haunted tile due to a special power or a destruction.
Note: The Menace pawn can not be placed if your castle consists of fewer than 6 tiles.
Note: If your foundation is incomplete, it is impossible to determine which are your 4 middle columns. In this case, place the Menace pawn on the top tile of whichever column you choose.
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