In each round, every player has a card of a Wonderland character. These Character cards have special abilities that help the players out or make trouble for their opponents.
A player cannot use any abilities of their Character card if they are out of the round or the card is turned to the side.
Queen of Hearts

The irritable party host. As ruler of Wonderland, she can make up new laws...even while drinking her tea!
You select the Discussion topic from the top two cards of the Discussion pile.
You take the first turn in the round.
At the Preparation phase, you draw a random red letter card (do not show it to the other players). During the Discussion phase, immediately after you end your turn, you may place your letter card above the row of Forbidden Letters.
That letter is forbidden for all other players. At the beginning of your next turn, discard it.
If the White Rabbit has placed his letter card when you use your ability, discard it and replace it with yours.
Yes, you can be forced to leave your own party. The law is the law!
White Rabbit

Messenger for the Queen of Hearts. He announces all new laws, a privilege which he occasionally uses for his own benefit.
At the Preparation phase, you draw a random purple letter card (do not show it to the other players). During the Discussion phase, immediately after you end your turn, you may place your letter card above the row of Forbidden Letters.
That letter is forbidden for all other players. At the beginning of your next turn, discard it.
If the Queen of Hearts has placed his letter card when you use your ability, discard it and replace it with yours.
Cheshire Cat

A wide smile always graces the face of this mysterious cat. He can turn invisible, which he takes advantage of to pull pranks.
Once per round, during your turn, you can turn your Character card to the side, if you do, you pass your turn. The player to your left immediately presses the timer to reset it and takes their turn.
You cannot use your ability after your time has run out.
Tweedle Twins

Always inseparable, Tweedledum and Tweedledee are double the fun and double the trouble!
At the Preparation phase, you take two Time Tokens.
During your turn, you may discard a Time token. It you do, press on the timer to reset it and continue with your turn. You may not discard a Time token after your time has run out.
You may discard both Time tokens in a single turn.

This serious insect of few words is rumored to see into the future. No-one knows if it actually has such a power or if it is merely a lucky guesser.
At the Preparation phase, you take the Caterpillar token. Put that token in front of any other player. At the Cleanup phase, you score bonus points equal to half the points indicated on that player's Scoring card, rounded down. (For example, if that player scores 3 points, you score one bonus point).
Any bonus points gained by the player with the Caterpillar token do not count for your bonus - only the points indicated on their Scoring card.
This Character card cannot be used in games with 3 players.

A polite girl from another world. She looks very ordinary next to the other guests, but that makes her the center of attention.
At the Cleanup phase, you gain bonus points equal to half the points indicated on your Scoring card, rounded down. (For example, if your scoring card is worth 3 points, you gain an extra point).
This Character card cannot be used in games with 3 players.
Two Of Hearts

Captain of the Royal Guard. He considers being invited to the party a great honor, and would do anything to guarantee its success.
Once per round, right after another player ends their turn, you may turn your Character card to the side. If you do, that player must immediately press the timer and take another turn.
The Forbidden Letter placed by the Queen of Hearts ability is not forbidden for you.
Mad Hatter

Everyone in Wonderland is mad, but the Mad Hatter takes the cake. He can break any law, including those of Time itself!
At the Preparation phase, you take a Time token.
During your turn, you may discard the Time token, if you do, press on the timer to reset it and continue with your turn. You may not discard the Time token after your time has run out.
Once per round, during your turn, you may turn your Character card to the side. If you do, ignore any one of the Forbidden Letters for this turn, including the one placed by the abilities of the Queen of Hearts or the White Rabbit.
You may use both your abillities on the same turn.
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