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Each fleet's special power is optional. However, if you don't use it, it is lost (it cannot be saved for future turns).

  • Take a bamboo boat (green) from the reserve.

  • This fleet has no special effect, but you are guaranteed to play fi rst on the next round.

  • Take a wood boat (brow n) from the reserve.

  • You can choose a building from the Building Row and reserve it for later. Place the tile face up next to your player mat. Now only you can construct this building. A penalty of 1 PP will be applied if you don't build it by the end of the game.

  • Take a stone boat (black) from the reserve.

  • Look at the 3 first buildings in the building deck. You may either place each of them back on the deck or below it, or both, in the order of your choice.

  • Take a clay boat (red) from the reserve.

  • You can slide a boat from one spot to an adjacent empty spot.

  • Take a gold boat (yellow) from the reserve.

  • You may place a Sacred Ground Token on any empty region of the board. As long as the Sacred Ground Token is there, no one can build on that region.

  • Take a wood boat (brown) and a bamboo boat (green) from the reserve.

  • You may switch 2 Culture Tokens anywhere on the board.

  • Take a stone boat (black) and a bamboo boat (green) from the reserve.

  • You may remove up to 2 boats from the board and place them back in the reserve.

  • Take a clay boat (red) and a bamboo boat (green) from the reserve.

  • You may switch 2 boats anywhere on the board.

  • Take a stone boat (black) and a wood boat (brown) from the reserve.

  • You can build with 1 less boat than needed (your choice) during this turn.

Take a clay boat (red) and a wood boat (brown) from the reserve, plus an extra boat of your choice

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