Game Components

- 39 Ship Pieces (24 bodies, 8 bows, 7 sterns)
- 16 Viking Tokens (4 of each color)
- 16 Gambling Tokens (4 of each color)
- 15 Supply Tokens (5 Hide, 5 Grain, 5 Metal)
- 4 Scoring Circles (1 of each color)
- 3 Market Value Tokens
- 1 Leader Token
- Game Board
- Illustrated Rules
Place the game board in the center of the table.
Each player chooses a color and takes the following components in that color:
A. 1 scoring circle
B. 4 gambling tokens, placed next to the scoring circle with their number-side facedown. A number of Viking tokens based on the number of players (4 Vikings in a 2 player game, 3 Vikings in a 3 player game, 2 Vikings in a 4 player game).
C. Determine the starting order for the first round of the game by taking one Viking from each player into your hand, and then letting them fall one at a time. As the Vikings leave your hand, place them in the Village onto the topmost available action. The first Viking to fall is placed on the "First Player" action. The second Viking to fall is placed on the "Promote" action. And so on. Once each player has their first Viking on the board, the remaining Vikings are placed in sequence depending on the number of players:
- 2 player game: AB BA AB BA
- 3 player game: ABC BCA CAB
- 4 player game: ABCD DCBA
Note: The letters represent the order in which the Vikings fell from hand. "A" refers to the first to fall, "B" the second, etc.
D. The leader token is placed on the opposite side of the village as the rest of the Vikings (to help keep track of which side the Vikings are moving to each round).
E. Place the 7 stern pieces next to the game board, by the "Set Sail" action.
F. Place the 3 market value tokens on the first place
1in the market.Shuffle the 15 supply tokens facedown.
- G. Place 7 supply tokens facedown next to the "Add 1" action.
- H. Place 8 supply tokens facedown next to the "Take 3, Add 1" action.
I. Place the 8 ship bow pieces in the fjord, in line with the moorings of the harbor.
J. Randomly place 3 ship body pieces behind each bow piece, making sure that each color appears on no more than one body piece in each ship at the start of the game.

The Ships
Each ship in the game is divided into three sections: the front (the bow piece), the middle (1-5 body pieces), and the end (the stern piece).
The front of the ship is where you will keep track of a ship's value, as you add supply tokens to it. The middle of the ship is in constant flux until the ship sets sail, as players rearrange its body pieces as they vie for control. Once a ship has set sail, a stern piece is added to its end to indicate the ship is no longer in play.
Tutorial Video
The Game Board
The Game board is divided into three sections: The Village (where you place Vikings to select different actions), The Harbor (where you place bets on ships), and The Fjord (where ship pieces are placed and rearranged).
The Village: The buildings in the village represent the different actions you can select on your turn. The circles next to each building are where Vikings are placed to show that an action has been selected (see VILLAGE ACTIONS).
The Harbor: The harbor is divided into eight separate moorings (composed of four circles each). This is where players can place bets on which clan they think will control a ship when it sets sail.
The Fjord: The fjord is where ship pieces are kept and rearranged. Each ship in the Fjord is connected to a separate mooring on the harbor.
Note: All 24 ship body pieces are used each game, no matter the number of players. Even in a 2 or 3 player game, the body pieces of the non-player colors will still be present.
These ship pieces are treated the same as the other body pieces (they can be moved or exchanged using the village actions, and they are included when determining who controls a ship when it sets sail).
Game play
The game is played over seven or more rounds. At the start of each round, the turn order for that round is determined by the order of the Vikings in the village. The topmost Viking (the one nearest the "First Player" action) will take the first turn, and the bottommost Viking (the one nearest the "Swap" action) will take the last turn.
Each turn, the active player will select one of the available actions by taking his topmost Viking token from one side of the village, and placing it on an available action on the other side of the village.

Round Summary
The player with the topmost Viking in the village (the one closest to the "First Player" action), picks up that Viking and moves it over to the other side of the village (to the side with the leader token). He places his Viking onto one of the free circles, and then carries out the corresponding action (see VILLAGE ACTIONS).
The player with the Viking next in line in the village does the same, and so on, until all the Vikings have been moved from their original side to the same side as the leader token.
The round ends when all the Vikings are on the same side as the leader token.
If a player chose the "Set Sail" action, then proceed to the setting sail phase (see SETTING SAIL).
If there are still stern pieces remaining next to the game board, then the leader token switches over to the other side of the village, and a new round begins.

Setting Sail
If a player chose the "Set Sail" action this round, then he decides which ship will set sail (and be scored) at the end of the round. He adds his stern piece to the end of that ship, and pushes it away from the harbor.
Note: You must choose a ship with at least 1 supply token already on its bow and at least one body piece in its body, when possible. However, if there are no legal options, then you may choose whichever ship you wish.
After adding the stern piece: 1) determine who controls the ship, and 2) share the ship's supplies

I. Determine who controls the ship:
Count the total number of shields of each color on the body pieces of the ship setting sail. The clan with the most shields has first control of the ship. The clan with the second most shields has second control. And so on. In the case of a tie, the clan with the body piece closest to the harbor wins the tie.
Colors not present on the ship have no control of that ship, and will share none of its supplies.
Note for 2-3 player games: Do not forget to count the shields of the non-player colors as well. (The non-player clans can take control of a ship from you).
II. share the Ship's supplies:

In order of control, each controlling clan will take turns taking a supply token of their choice from the bow of the ship setting sail, placing it facedown on their scoring circle.
If there are not enough supply tokens for each of the controlling clans to take one, well that's just too bad. When the supplies run out, any remaining players will claim no supplies this round.
If there are more than enough supplies so that some remain after each controlling player has taken a pick, then players continue to take supplies (in order of control) until all the supply tokens are gone. If a player is alone on board a ship, he takes ALL its supplies.
Note for 2-3 player games: If a non-player clan would take a supply token, then one is removed from the game instead. Which supply token is removed is the choice of the player to the left of the player who would next take a supply token from the ship.
Optional Rule for 2 players:
After your opponent takes the "Set Sail" action, place one of the Vikings not being used this game (its color doesn't matter) onto any of the ship body pieces in your own color.
This Viking counts as one additional shield (of your color) when determining who controls a ship. This Viking will move with its body piece and cannot be removed for the rest of the game. There can never be more than one Viking on the same body piece.
Winning Bets

If you placed one of your gambling tokens in front of the ship setting sail, on the color that had first control of the ship, then take your bet and place it facedown on your scoring circle (to score at the end of the game). Any wrong bets stay where they are, but can be moved to a different ship later in the game using the "Place 1 / Move 1" action.
Each player can only bet once on the same ship. (You can't have more than one barrel of the same color in front of the same ship).
You must place your Vikings in front of buildings whose actions you are able to perform. If you cannot perform any of the available actions (and only in this case), then you may place your Viking on the action of your choice (without performing it).
A ship can never be more than five body pieces in length (not including the bow or stern).
Players can consult the value of their supplies and bets at any time, but they CAN NEVER reveal them to the other players.
The most powerful actions are located at the bottom of the village. But be wary, because if you choose these more powerful actions, you will end up taking your turn later on in the order of the next round.
Small objects drawn on the ships have no influence on the game, they do not represent goods.
Building powers can be applied to any ship that has yet to set sail.
It is not possible to move the supplies from one ship to another. Once supplies are placed on a ship, they must remain there until that ship sets sail.

End of the Game
The game ends immediately after the 7th ship has set sail. The remaining ship at the harbor will not score this game.
Players calculate their final score by adding together the value of their Supply tokens with the value of their Gambling tokens:

- Supply tokens score as many points as their end value in the marketplace.
- Gambling Tokens score the number of points printed on them.
Note: Gambling tokens that did not win bets score no points. The player with the most points wins.
In case of a tie, the tie is broken in the following order: The player with the most supply tokens. The player with the most points from supply tokens.
If there is still a tie, the players share the victory.
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