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When playing with two or three players, you can also add a virtual opponent to the game according to the rules outlined in the preceding section.

If you like, you can even play with two or three "virtual opponents", as long as the total number of players does not exceed four. In this case, just take two or three gemstones out of the box.

Please Note:

  • If two "virtual opponents" bid the same color, and that color matches only one character card, this card is not discarded, but the "virtual opponents" participate in the next auction (if there is one).

  • If two "virtual opponents" bid the same color, and that color matches two cards, both cards are discarded, and the "virtual opponents" stop participating in the auction this turn.

    However, if the same color is picked by one of the players, the cards are not discarded and the next auction begins.

  • If a player and a virtual opponent bid the same color, and that color matches two cards, the player has a choice: they can either proceed to the next auction (whereby the cards are not discarded) or take the card at the tip of the corresponding arrow (the card at the base of the arrow is discarded).

  • At least one player has to participate in every auction. If all players took cards or passed during the previous auctions, no next auction is held.

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