Some cards have Mythological powers (indicated by the Nordic Valknut symbol ). Each mythological power is described in the lower portion of the card.
The following pages explain the Mythological cards in detail. You do not need to read this section before playing. Refer to each card's entry should you have any questions.
Thor and Loki

After playing Thor/Loki, place the Thor/Loki figure on the card so it is easily identifiable. Playing Thor/Loki never costs an action point.
Starting with the turn the Thor/Loki card is played and as long as you have Thor/Loki in your first row, you get a total of four action points to spend, regardless of the number of columns you have on the battlefield.
If the card is played after you have used one or more action points, you do not get four more points; instead treat your turn as though you had four points to start with.
Thor/Loki must be played faceup onto the battlefield in the player's first row of a column. No other cards can be played in front of Thor/Loki.
If a column already has 4 cards, Thor/Loki may not be placed in that column. If all 3 columns have 4 cards, the player may not play Thor/Loki. Thor/Loki may be played in an empty column.
Once Thor/Loki has been placed on the battlefield, that card may not be moved. Thor/Loki can never initiate a challenge nor may they be challenged from the opposing column.
The Ravens card is the only card that may challenge Thor/Loki. A player may even choose to remove his own Thor/Loki card when playing a Ravens card.

This movement must follow all normal card placement rules.
If this move creates a gap, the cards in that column are moved foward to fill the empty row spaces.
You may not use Baldr to move Thor/Loki or place the card being moved in front of Thor/Loki. Thor/Loki must always occupy the first row of a column.

As long as Berserker is the top card of your discard pile, your Viking Warriors cards will challenge with a strength of 6, but will only have a strength of 3 when being challenged.
If one player has Berserker as their top card, the other player may not play or lose Berserker to the top of their discard pile.
If Berserker card would be lost, in this case, the player must place the Berserker card at the bottom of their discard pile.

Idunn is the keeper of the golden apples of youth and acts as a tiebreaker.
As long as Idunn is the top card on your discard pile, you will win challenges that result in a tie.
If one player has Idunn as the top card of their discard pile, the other player may not play or lose Idunn to the top of their discard pile.
If the Idunn card would be lost, in this case, the player must place the Idunn card at the bottom of their discard pile.
Female Archer

When a Female Archer is deployed to the battlefield and challenges a Shield Wall, the Shield Wall is defeated and is discarded.
The Female Archer card remains faceup on the battlefield.

Freya is used to seduce an opponent's allies to join your side in the conflict.
When the top card of the opponent's discard pile does not have a strength of 1-7, you may not play Freya.
You may play your opponent's card normally on this turn or on a subsequent turn.
Note: Because the backsides of each player's cards are different, the opponent may easily identify "his" card in the player's hand.
If this card is later lost, it is discarded to your own discard pile, not your opponent's discard pile.

Frigg may be played in several ways: spy on your opponent's hand, turn over cards in an opponent's column, or challenge Angrboda/Tyr from the battlefield.
Spy on your Opponent's Hand
Discard Frigg from your hand to force your opponent to show you all the cards in their hand. If Frigg finds Angrboda/
Tyr in your opponent's hand, your opponent must immediately discard it. If Frigg finds Odin's Ring/Crown or Nightmare, nothing happens, but you may use that information to your advantage.
Note: Using Frigg to look at your opponent's hand on your first turn is not a challenge and is legal.
Turn Over All Cards in your Opponent's Column
Discard Frigg from your hand to turn over all facedown cards in the column of your choice on your opponent's side. You may select the column with Thor/Loki. These cards remain faceup but any cards added later are placed normally.
Note: Using Frigg to turn over the opponent's cards does not cause any effect if Odin's Ring/Crown, Nightmare, or Angrboda/Tyr are among the turned over cards.
Challenge Angrboda/tyr From the Battlefield
When on the battlefield, Frigg is the only card that wins a challenge against Angrboda/Tyr. If Angrboda/Tyr challenges Frigg when on the battlefield, Frigg loses and is discarded.
When Frigg challenges, or is challenged by, any other than Angrboda/Tyr, it is a normal challenge.
Note: Once Frigg is on the battlefield, it may not use its other special mythological powers.
Gungnir - Loki's Deck

Gungnir is a magical spear that always hits its mark.
Gungnir allows you to remove Loki or a Shield Wall card from the battlefield.

You need not tell or show your opponent which card you took.
The card taken may be played normally on this turn or on a subsequent turn.
Important: When looking through your discard pile, you may not change the order of the cards in it.

If there are only one or two Viking Warriors and/or Female Archer cards in your discard pile, take what cards there are.
You may play these cards normally on this turn or on subsequent turns.
The 12-card player hand limit still applies.
Important: When looking through your discard pile, you may not change the order of the cards in it.
Mjolnir - Thor's Deck

Mjolnir is Thor's mighty hammer.
Mjolnir allows you to remove Loki or a Shield Wall card from the battlefield.

Nightmare is a female who gives people bad dreams and appears in many different shapes.
The Scandinavian word for Nightmare directly translated, means Mare-ride, or Mare-dream. Nightmare is a very dangerous card - for both the player and his opponent.
Nightmare can never initiate a challenge.
When a Nightmare on the battlefield is challenged, all cards in that column (on both sides of the battlefield) are lost and discarded. Each player determines the order in which the cards are placed on their own discard pile.
When you use a Ravens card and challenge a Nightmare in your opponent's hand, your opponent loses all cards from their hand and places them on their discard pile in the order they want.
If, for any reason, Nightmare forces a player to discard Odin's Ring/Crown, their opponent wins the game (see Ending the Game and Winning).
Special case: If challenging a Nightmare causes Odin's Ring AND Odin's Crown to be lost simultaneously, the player who challenged the Nightmare loses (i.e, the player whose turn it is loses).

If there are only one or two Ravens cards in your discard pile, take what cards there are.
You may play these Ravens cards normally on this turn or on subsequent turns.
The 12-card player hand limit still applies.
Important: When looking through your discard pile, you may not change the order of the cards in it.
Odin's Ring and Odin's Crown

If, for any reason whatsoever including any special mythological powers, you must discard Odin's Ring/Crown from your hand or the battlefield, your opponent wins the game.

Ravens may be used in several ways: playing it on the battlefield, challenging a card in your opponent's first row, or challenging an opponent's hand card.
Play the Ravens to the Player's Battlefield
You can play a Ravens card facedown on your side of the battlefield like any other strength card
When a Ravens card is in your first row, you may use it in a normal challenge. Once on the battlefield, a Ravens card may not use its special mythological powers.
Note: A player may not use either of the Ravens' special mythological challenge actions on the first turn.
Challenge a Card in your Opponent's First Row
Discard Ravens from your hand to challenge a card in your opponent's first row, including Thor/Loki. Turn the challenged card faceup if it is facedown.
If the card being challenged has a strength of 0 or 1, the challenged card is discarded from the battlefield. Note that some mythological special powers may apply.
If you challenge a card with a strength value of 2 through 7, the card remains faceup.
If you challenge your opponent's or your own Thor/Loki card, remove it immediately. If you remove your own Thor/ Loki card, you still have 4 action points this turn.
Note: Thor/Loki is the only card you may challenge on your side of the battlefield.
Challenge an Opponent's Hand Card
Discard Ravens from your hand to challenge a random card in your opponent's hand.
If the challenged card has a mythological symbol or mythological symbol and a strength value of 0 or 1, the card is placed on your opponent's discard pile. Note that some mythological special powers may apply.
If the challenged card has strength of 2 through 7 (regardless of the presence of a mythological symbol), place the card faceup on an opponent's first row in a column of your choice.
You may not place the card in a column with 4 cards or in a column with Thor/Loki in the first row. If there is no column where the card may be placed, the card is placed in your opponent's discard pile.
Note: The special mythological power of Shield Wall (if challenged on the battlefield), Odin's Ring/Crown, and Nightmare all apply when challenged by using either of the Ravens special mythological challenge actions.

Foreshadowing of what is to come and reacting to it is the strength of a Seer.
Draw the cards one at a time and resolve the fate of each card drawn before drawing the next card (up to 3 cards).
You place each card drawn with strength of 1 or more faceup on your opponent's first row in a column of your choice. This must follow all normal card placement rules.
If there is no column where the card may be placed, the card is placed in your opponent's discard pile.
Mythological cards and cards with a strength of 0 are given to your opponent and added to their hand. If your opponent already has 12 cards in his hand, the card is discarded.
Shield Wall

When any card, except a Female Archer, challenges a Shield Wall, the card loses the challenge and is discarded and the Shield Wall card remains faceup on the battlefield.
A Shield Wall can never initiate a challenge.

Valkyries are magical ladies that can arrange and position those who will go into battle. Tricky and mischievous Valkyries can mess up the best opponent's plans.
This movement must follow all normal card placement rules. If this move creates a gap, the cards in that column are moved foward to fill the empty row spaces.
You may not use Valkyries to move Thor/Loki or place the card being moved in front of Thor/Loki. Thor/Loki must always occupy the first row of a column.

Organizing a flank attack is the strength of Vidarr.
When you challenge with the first row card in your right column, you may challenge any card in any row of your opponent's left hand column.
When you challenge with the first row card in your left column, you may challenge any card in any row of your opponent's right hand column.
Note: Thor/Loki do not stop a flanking challenge in the column they occupy.
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