- 396 cards
- score pad
- 30-second sandtimer
- instructions
Object of the Game
In this rapid-fire game, players race to describe a wide variety of PEOPLE, THINGS, and PLACES for their teammates to guess. Try to describe all 6 in 30 seconds!
Place the three decks of cards within easy reach. Designate a scorekeeper and give them the score sheet and a pen.
Divide into teams and decide which team will take the first turn. This team selects their first 'Describer'.
Game Play
Refer to the score sheet to determine which topic (PEOPLE, THINGS, or PLACES) is in play. The Describer draws a card and takes a moment to study it. You can describe the items on the list in any order, so it is advised to start with the items you think your team will guess the fastest. …