Take a Journey into storyland... Whether engaged in a friendly contest or creating a story together, you will love the way Tell Tale gives your imaginative side a chance to shine. Do you ramble on ?
No problem. Exaggerate? Use ft to your advantage! Like to tell ft sweet and simple? Game on! Storytellers of all ages, prepare to enchant and be enchanted!

- 60 Cards
- illustrated Rules
Object of the Game
Come up with the best stories using image cards as prompts.
Thousands of short Stories included
Tell Tale can be used best and foremost as a new generation of storybook. Pick up a few cards, arrange them in the order you want, and start telling a story. Here are two suggestions on how Tell Tale could be used as a book.
Story Time
For a bedtime story: Young ones can choose any number of cards (10 is a good suggestion) and give them to their parent or guardian fora unique and exciting bedtime story.
The little ones can either give all the selected cards at once, or give them one by one in the order they want. The adult will improvise the story based on the cards chosen, or team up with the kid.
Make up your own story: Choose some cards you like and make up the most extraordinary, funny or scary story!

Game Play
There are 4 game variations that can he played alone or in teams of 2. Playing in teams of 2 can he the best way to encourage young ones to take part and is also a very fun way to play the game.
These games are not competitive. Just try to come up with the best stories and have fun listening to others.
Here are 4 different versions of the game, but we are sure you will also come up with your own!
Tips: The youngest player(s) always start(s).
You can use any style and any genre to tell your story.
Be flexible: with the image cards your story can change in a wink!
Pon't know how to start? Try to think of a "hook", something that will pique everyone's interest. For example:
"Once upon a time, a boy came to a spooky forest... " "Have you heard about the zoo that had... " "This is a story you will have trouble believing... "
Note: Return all cards to the deck and shuffle them before the beginning of each new game.

Game 1: Round 'n Round
This game is the best one to get everybody to know how to play with Tell Tale.
Everyone takes 4 cards and places them in a pile in front of them, without peeking. If you are the first player, flip your top card and start improvising a story using that image. Your neighbor then flips over his/her top card and continues the same story.
The game continues in this manner until the last card is used.
If played in teams of 2: Each team takes 6 cards. Teams alternate turns telling their communal stories, and storytellers within each team alternate as well.
Game 2: Showtime
Each player takes 6 cards. Without peeking, place them in a pile in front of you.
If it's your turn, flip over the first image card and begin to improvise a story, using the image shown.
Continue flipping your cards one at a time and weaving your story with the help of the images you discover.
Each player takes a turn telling a tale in this manner.
If played In teams of 2: Tell the story taking turns (the first member of the team reads the first card, the second reads the second, and so on).
Game 3: Storyboard
Everyone takes 6 cards and places them in the order they want to tell their story (you can choose either side of the cards).
Taking turns, improvise a story using the 6 images on your cards, in the order you've chosen.
If played In teams of 2: make up the storyboard together and then tell the story taking turns (the first member of the team reads the first card, the second reads the second, and soon).
Game 4: The Stack
Shuffle the cards and place them in a pile in the center of the table. If you are the first player, take one card and begin a story using the image on that card. Players take turns picking one card from the stack and adding on to the original story, until no cards remain in the central pile.
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