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Icons on decoration cards are scored at the end of the game.

  • 6 coins if the player has a single pair of birds and fish cards.
  • 0 coins if the player only has a single birds or fish card.

Multiple pairs award coins, while having excess cards of one type does not award additional coins.

  • 6 coins if the player has a single pair of lotus and peonies cards.
  • 0 coins if the player only has a single lotus or peonies card.

Multiple pairs award coins, while having excess cards of one type does not award additional coins.

2 coins per bridge card.

12 coins to the player with the most Pavilion cards.

6 coins to the player with the second most Pavilion cards.

If players are tied for the most Pavilion cards, divide 18 coins among the tied players ignoring any remaining coins. In this case, players with the second most do not gain coins.

1-4-9-16-25 coins depending on how many different trees the players have.

If the players have multiple sets of tree cards, each set awards coins.

Area of the garden board where the player must place the decoration:

One-time bonuses:

Remove a landscape token of your choice from the garden board, place it in the player's area, and insert the corresponding landscape tile into the garden board.

Important: At the end of a Place a Decoration action, the player must flip all face down garden tiles on the top of each pile on the garden board face up.

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