In Sundae Split, players try to build the best ice cream sundae from the ingredients at hand. Get just the right mix of toppings and flavors, but avoid the vegetables! At the end, each sundae will be scored and the player who made the best sundae wins the game.

- 30 Ice cream scoop Cards
- 9 Vegetable Cards
- 29 Topping Cards
- 3 reference cards
- 1 scorepad
- Instructions
If playing with 2 players, remove the 20 ingredient cards with "3+" in their lower-left corner. Put these removed cards back in the box; they will not be used.
Shuffle all remaining ingredient cards together, face down, to form the ingredient deck.
Remove a certain number of ingredient cards at random, based on the number of players. Put these removed cards back in the box; they will not be used.
- 5 players: Remove 3 cards
- 4 players: Remove 8 cards
- 3 players: Remove 20 cards
- 2 players: Remove 12 cards
Randomly determine a player who will be the Splitter for the game's first round, giving that player the ingredient deck and the round sequence reference card, with the appropriate side face up based on the number of players.

Game Play
Sundae Split is played in a series of rounds, with each round consisting of a Split Phase and a Choose Phase, in that order.
1. Split Phase
To begin each round, the Splitter draws a number of cards (based on the number of players; see table below) from the ingredient deck. The Splitter looks at all the drawn cards, keeping them hidden from the other players.
The Splitter then chooses how to split the cards into piles, following these three rules:
- There must be one pile per player.
- Each pile must have at least one card, and no more than four cards.
- A specific number of cards (based on the number of players; see table below) must be face down; the rest of the cards must be face up.

Example 1: In a 3-player game, Laura draws 8 cards; she must split those cards into 3 piles with exactly 3 cards face down.
She chooses to hide the 2 cards that she wants most face down in Pile 1, adding corn face up to try to scare off the other players.
In Pile 2, she hides a broccoli face down with a banana and vanilla scoop face up. In Pile 3, she puts a strawberry scoop and a banana face up.

Scoring Reference
All players with most and 2nd most bananas score points:
Select your ice cream flavor with the most scoops. Score points for cherries x scoops of that flavor.
for each complete set of all 3 ice cream flavors.
for each set of sprinkles + whipped cream.
Score the
points shown on your ice cream cards.
Subtract the
points shown on your vegetable cards.
2. Choose Phase
Starting with the player to the left of the Splitter and continuing clockwise, each player chooses one of the piles. (Players cannot look at any of the face-down cards before choosing).
When you choose a pile, take those cards and immediately reveal them. Place the cards face up in front of you, arranging them by type. (The cards you collect throughout the game are known as your sundae).
Note: This means that the Splitter takes the last remaining pile every round.
After each player has chosen a pile, the round is over. If the ingredient deck is empty, the game is over; continue to Game End & Scoring.
Otherwise, the current Splitter passes the ingredient deck and the round sequence reference card to the player on their left, and that player becomes the Splitter for the next round.

End of the Game
The game is over at the end of a round when there are no more cards remaining in the ingredient deck. When this happens, it's time to tally final scores to see which player made the best sundae!
Using the scorepad, record points for each player according to the following categories:
Banana Bonuses: All players with the most bananas score a bonus 10 points. All players with the second-most bananas score a bonus 5 points.
If multiple players tie for one of these bonuses, each tied player receives the bonus. You must have at least 1 banana to be eligible to score a banana bonus.
Cherries Multiplier: Select the ice cream flavor for which you have the most scoops. Score points for cherries x scoops of that flavor.
Flavor Variety: Score 3 points for each complete set of flavors: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry.
Sprinkles + Whipped Cream: Score 5 points for each set of sprinkles and whipped cream.
Ice Cream Scoops: Score the points shown on all your ice cream scoops.
Vegetable Penalty: Subtract from your score the points shown on all your vegetables.
Tally the points earned by each player. The player with the most points made the best sundae and wins the game!
If two or more players are tied for the most points, the tied player(s) with the most ice cream scoops wins.
Example 2: Nate scores 25 points total - 10 points for his banana bonus; 4 points for cherries (2 cherry cards x 2 vanilla scoops); 3 points for his one set of all 3 ice cream flavors; 5 points for the set of sprinkles and whipped cream; 6 points from ice cream scoops; and -3 points for the broccoli.

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