- 16 glow-in-the-dark dice (4 of each color)
- 24 glow-in-the-dark space tokens (6 of each color numbered 1-6)
There are several different games you can play using the dice and tokens. Be sure to try them all. Also, for added fun, all of the games can be played in the dark!
Simply charge the dice and the tokens under a light for a few minutes before playing. Make sure all sides of the dice are exposed to light.
Game 1. Space Race
Object of the Game
The object of the game is to be the only player who has not collected all of the letters of the word SPACE. In each round, you try to roll four of a kind, and then grab a token before they're all gone.
Each player takes four dice of the same color. Choose a set of tokens and place them alien-side up in the middle of the playing area. Make sure that they are equidistant from each player and that there is one fewer token than the number of players.
For example, if there are four players, then you only need three tokens. If there are three players, you only need two tokens, and so on.
Game Play
Choose a player to say, "Ready, Set, Roll!"
When you hear "Roll!", all players simultaneously roll their dice and try to get four of a kind of any number (four dice showing the same number of stars on top).
Rolling Tips
You don't have to pick up all four dice each and every time you roll - you can choose how many dice to roll each time.
For example, if on your first roll you got you could keep the
off to the side of the playing area.
Roll the other two dice, and maybe you get another and a
. So keep the
off to the side and keep rolling the last die until you get a fourth
The game continues until one player rolls four of a kind. If you have four of a kind, say "Space Race!"
Then everyone races to grab a token as fast as possible. The player without a token gets an "S" - the first letter of the word "SPACE". (You might want to keep track of everyone's letters on a piece of paper).
Once a letter is given out, all of the tokens are returned to middle of the playing area and a new round begins. Note: Add the next letter of SPACE each round you end up without a token.
End of the Game
When you have all of the letters in the word SPACE, you're out of the game.
Take one of the tokens away, and the remaining players keep playing. The last player left (after everyone else has spelled SPACE) is the winner.
Silent Space Race
Don't say anything when you get 4 of a kind - just grab for a token. A watchful eye is the key to this version!
Asteroid Dash
Set up the game in one room, and put all the space tokens in another room. When someone yells "Space Race!" everyone races to the other room to grab a token. Note: You might not want to play this version in the dark.

Game 2. Star Count
Object of the Game
Be the first player to turn over all of your space tokens, 1 through 6, by rolling four of a kind of each number.
Each player takes four dice of the same color as well as the 6 matching-color tokens. Place your tokens number side up in a line in front of you.

Game Play
Choose a player to say, "Ready, Set, Roll!"
When you hear "Roll!",all players simultaneously roll their dice and try to get four of a kind of a particular number.
You can roll for numbers in any order and you don't have to roll all four dice at once - you can choose how many dice to roll each time.
As soon as you roll four of a kind, turn the matching number token face down. (For example, when you roll , turn over your number 6 token). Once you turn over a token, start rolling again immediately to try for another number.
End of the Game
As soon as you turn over your last number token, shout, "Done!" The first player to shout "Done!" wins.
For a longer game, play several rounds where the winner is the first player to win three times.
Players must roll from 1 to 6 in numerical order (either ascending or descending).

Game 3. Rocket Roll
Object of the Game
Collect as many tokens as possible by rolling four of a certain number, and grabbing the matching number token.
Each player takes four dice of the same color. Scatter the tokens number- side up in the middle of the playing area.
For two players, only use two sets of tokens; for three players, use three sets of tokens; and for four players, use all of the tokens.
Game Play
Choose a player to say, "Ready, Set, Roll!"
When you hear "Roll!", all players simultaneously roll their dice until you get four of a kind. You don't have to roll all four dice at once - you can choose how many dice to roll each time (See Rolling Tips above).
When you match all four dice, say out loud the number you matched and take a matching number token from the center (even if it is a different color than your dice). Start rolling again immediately to try for another token.
You can even try to match the same number again if there are still tokens left for that number. Note: If you roll four of a kind of a particular number but all the corresponding number tokens are gone, you must re-roll all of your dice.
End of the Game
The game ends when all tokens have been collected. The player with the most tokens wins.

Gams 4. Flip Out
Object of the Game
The object of the game is to collect as many tokens as possible. Try to roll four of a specific number before the other players do.
Each player takes four dice of the same color. Scatter all the tokens, number-side down in the middle of the playing area.
Game Play
Choose a player to turn over one of the tokens and say its number out loud. As soon as you see or hear the token number, roll all of your dice to try and get four of that number.
The first player to roll four of a kind and shout the number, collects the matching token. (Be sure to show the other players what you rolled). The winner turns over a remaining token and announces the next number to roll for.
All players must pick up and roll all four dice at the start of each round.
End of the Game
When the last token has been collected, the player with the most tokens wins.
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