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  • 52 story cards
  • 3 story-boards
  • 4 character Story starters
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Get creative and tell a unique tale using the Story Cards as inspiration. Then be the player to remember the most Cards to win!


  1. Decide if you want to play a short or a long game. Your game length - and therefore your story - can be customized by the way you lay out the Story Board:

    1. Start with the middle piece, which has 4 spaces. You will use this piece in every game.

    2. To extend the length of your game, add one or both of the extension pieces to the middle piece by snapping on the matching-colored tabs.

  2. There are four Character Story Starters in the game that will act as the muses in your imaginative tale. They can be main characters or just funny sidekicks_It's up to you. Each Character has associated icons on the Story Cards:

  3. Although there are four Characters,, only ONE will be used per game. At the beginning of the game, the youngest player should choose a Character. Set it to the side of the Story Board and let it inspire you at any point in your silly story!

    Hint: Each time you play,, choose a different Character to vary the stories. Let kids take turns choosing. You can also put all of the Characters in the box,, close your eyes, and pick a Character randomly.

  4. Shuffle the Story Cards and deal TWO to each player. Place the remaining Story Cards facedown in a Draw Pile near the Story Board.

Game Play

I. Story Round

During the Story Round, all players create and share their silly story together. Have fun and let your imagination run free!

  1. The youngest player goes first and play continues clockwise.

  2. On your turn, draw a Story Card; you should always have three Cards in your hand at the beginning of each turn.

  3. Choose any one of your three Cards and place it faceup on the Story Board starting on the space furthest to one end. As you place the Card on the Board, begin a story by including the object on the Card. You may also include the Character Story Starter in your tale if you wish.

    Example: Let's say the Character is the Mermaid and you have the Card showing a drenched cat.

    You might want to start your silly story by saying: "Once upon a time there was a cat that was so enchanted by the beautiful Mermaid that he jumped in the lake after her getting himself soaking wet..".

    4.. Going clockwise, the next player repeats the previous story for all of the Cards played up to that point.

    The retelling doesn't have to be word-for-word, but it must include the basic elements of the story, especially the objects on the Cards and the Character's involvement.

    That player then plays a Card that MATCHES THE SAME COLOR OR ICON as the last Card played, and continues the tale based on the object on that Card.

    Example: If the next player plays the Card showing a wand, they can say: "The lovesick cat got all wet when he jumped in the lake after the beautiful the Mermaid waved her magic wand and the cat suddenly sprouted flippers!"

    Note: Some Story Cards have multiple colors; these are Wild Cards that can be matched with any other color.

  4. If it is your turn and you do not have a Card that matches the color or icon of the last Card played, you may discard ONE Card and draw a replacement from the Draw Pile. If you draw a Card that is a match, then play it. If it is not a match, your turn is over.

    6.. Players continue taking turns contributing to the silly story until the Story Board is full, at which point the Story Round is over and the Memory Round begins.

II. Memory Round

Level 1 - Remember Cards

The Memory Round is all about remembering what the Cards are.. The story itself will help you to remember! There are two levels of play:

  1. The player who placed the final Card in the Story Round flips all of the Cards over so that they are facedown.

  2. Turn order continues uninterrupted so that the next player is the first one to go in the Memory Round.

  3. If it is your turn, try to guess the image that is on the first Story Card that was played. You don't have to retell the story, but that may help you to remember the object, character, place or action shown.

  4. Make your guess out loud, then peek at the Card to see if you are correct. Only you should look at the Card during your turn.

    • If you guess correctly, take the Card and place it face up in front of you.

    • If you guess incorrectly, return the Card facedown to its place on the Story Board so the next player can try to guess it.

  5. Players take turns guessing until all of the Story Cards have been removed from the Story Board in the order that they were originally played.

End of the Game

Now count your Cards. The player who has remembered the most Cards wins!

If you tie: Tied players should count their Cards that have the icon representing the Character used in that game. The player with the most wins!

Level 2: Remember Cards with a Twist

  1. As in Level 1, when the Story Round is over, the player who placed the final Card flips all of the Cards facedown.

    However, in this level, that player then switches the placement of any TWO Cards on the Story Board, while the other players note which cards were switched. This will create an extra challenge during the Memory Round.

  2. The next player goes first and tries to guess the image on the first Card that was played, or if it was switched, whatever Card is now in that place.

    Players take turns guessing until all of the Story Cards have been removed from the Story Board in the order that they are now in.

End of the Game

When the Story Board is empty, players count their Cards and the player who has remembered the most Cards, wins!

Ties are broken in the same manner, by counting the number of Cards that have the icon of the Character used in that game

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