A solo game is played as a normal game, but you should use the advanced set-up.
At the end of a year, you gain points according to the scoring table for 2 players if you have passed a certain number of trees (), which are "planted" just below the conquistador track:
At the end of the first year, you score 4 points if your conquistador marker has passed the 1st tree. After the second year, you score 5 points if you have passed the 2nd tree, and after the third year, you score 6 points if you have passed the 3rd tree.
Try to achieve the highest possible score (100 points or more is a win), and/or try to reach one or more of the following achievements:
Communism: Score 28 points or more from colonists.
Capitalism: Collect 4 sets of shipment tiles.
Theocracy: Score 30 points or more from bishops' requirements.
Capracracy: Build an unbroken chain of one terrain type (not roads) from west to east or north to south.
Democracy: Score a total of 120 points or more.
Utopy: Score a total of 150 points or more.
Don't Forget!
You may not take more than 3 white dice during a year.
You may not store more than 3 items of any one resource type in your storage area.
Happiness points shown in a purple frame are scored at the end of the game.