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Rating: 6 Fair
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 30-12 minutes

Created by: (Uncredited)

Published by: Milton Bradley

Alternate Names: Round Four / Roto Quatre


Round Four is a variant of Connect Four. 2-4 players can play at the same time. The object is still to match four of your color chips in a straight line. The board is four circles inside of each other.

The three outer most circles have 16 holes for pieces while the inner circle only has eight. Also some of the holes can fit two pieces inside of it, one on top the other.

An added depth to this game is that each circle can be rotated clockwise. During your turn, you can either place a piece, or rotate one of the rings clockwise, causing all of the pieces to shift on that circle.

The winner has four of his color pieces in a straight line starting from the inner circle and moving out.

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