In a game of Quirky Circuits, players will work together to issue commands to a robot friend in order to meet a scenario-specific goal before running out of battery power.

- Scenario Book
- 4 Robot Figures -
- 2 Double-Sided Robot Reference Tiles
- 93 Command Cards
- Battery Marker
- Momentum Marker
- 45 Scenario-Specific Tokens -
To start a game of Quirky Circuits, complete the following steps in order:
1 Choose a scenario from the scenario book. We recommend first-time players start with the first scenario, dust bunnies. After successfully completing that scenario, we recommend moving to the second scenario the next time you play, then the third scenario, etc.
2 Collect the figure, reference tile and basic (blue) command cards for the robot indicated by the scenario.
3 Place the figure on the Q space, facing the indicated direction.
4 Place the battery marker on the highest space of the battery track for the scenario.
5 Follow any further setup instructions listed for the scenario and review that scenario's rules.
6 Shuffle the command cards and form a face-down deck.
7 Deal cards to each player, with hand size as determined by the table on the right.


During a game of Quirky Circuits, players cannot reveal their cards to other players.
The backs of the cards will convey some information, like if the card will cause the robot to move or turn, but not which direction it will turn or how far it will move.
Players cannot ever communicate any of the following (verbally or otherwise):
- Which cards are in their hands
- Their strategy or intent
- Suggestions on what cards other players should play
If players are really feeling compelled to say something, we suggest: "Beep-boop". Players may indicate that they are done playing cards by placing their cards face-down in front of them. Players may indicate they think the group should stop playing cards by placing their hands flat on the table.
Round Order
Quirky Circuits takes place over a series of rounds. Each round is divided into 3 phases that must be completed in order:
1. Program
During the program phase, players collectively play command cards face down into a queue without revealing them. Each player must play at least 1 card and in total the players must play 5 or more cards.
Players may play their cards in any turn order, including a player playing multiple cards in a row, but each card must be played into the queue to the right of the last card played. Cards that have already been played cannot be rearranged.

Practice Mode: As a way to practice the game, or when playing with young children, players may play their cards face up into the queue instead of face down.
2. Execute
Once the players have finished playing cards into the queue, those cards are revealed and resolved in the order they were played (from left to right), causing the robot figure to be maneuvered about.

Halting: If something causes a robot to halt, stop resolving the current card and proceed to the next one.
3. Reset
Once all of the cards in the queue have been resolved, do the following:
Collect the command cards from the queue, shuffle them and place them on the bottom of the command deck.
Move the battery marker down one space on the battery track.
Deal cards until each player has a full hand of command cards.
If the battery track is not yet on 0, begin a new round starting with the Program phase.

End of the Game
All players immediately win when they complete the scenario's goal. All players immediately lose if the battery marker reaches 0 and they have not yet completed the scenario's goal.
For a greater challenge, try to complete each scenario goal while the battery marker is still in the yellow section of the battery track.
For the true experts, complete each scenario goal while the battery is still in the green.
Dealing Cards: When dealing cards, start with any player with the least cards and go clockwise, skipping players once they have reached a full hand.
Tokens Sharing Spaces: So long as it is not expressly prohibited by the rules of the scenario, multiple tokens can share a space. (Example: A broken vase token can share a space with a dust bunny token). If a robot is picking up from a space with multiple tokens, it can pick up any of the tokens, even one that is under another token.
Twirl's Momentum: After Twirl executes a Forward 2 command card, place a momentum marker on her reference tile in that direction. After the next command card is executed, move her 1 space in the direction of momentum and remove the marker (unless that card gave her new momentum).
After Twirl collides with an obstacle or barrier, remove any momentum marker placed by the current or previous command card without resolving it.
Example: Twirl's Momentum
The first card in the queue moves Twirl forward 2 spaces and places the momentum marker on her reference tile, pointing the direction she moved.
The second card in the queue turns Twirl left. She then additionally moves one space in the direction of the momentum marker. The momentum marker is then removed from her reference tile.
The third card in the queue would have moved Twirl forward 2 spaces, but she immediately hits an obstacle and halts movement. The momentum marker is not placed on her reference tile.
Dropping Tokens Through Barriers: If executing a command with Rover would cause any part of a token to be dropped outside of the barrier, instead ignore the effect of that
Move Token Targets: Each Move Token command moves the specified token toward the target specified below, respecting environmental effects. If the specified token of a Move Token command is being held, ignore the effect of that command.
If the target of a Move Token command is being held, move the token toward the space the target is over.

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