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Rating: 5.8 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-10 players
Playing time: 30-7 minutes

Official Site: Periodyx

Created by: Terry Miller Associates, Terry Miller Associates

Published by: (Self-Published), Outset Media


Periodyx is a card game based on the Periodic Table of Elements. The game can be played by 2-10 players.

Each player is dealt 5 cards, the winner of the game is either: The first player to hold 10 cards, or if one player loses all their cards the player who, at that point, holds the most cards. Cards are gained or lost among players or from a central pile.

A Game indicator card with the titles of 11 games is passed around the players the holder of this card being the "lead player" in each of the 11 rounds thus making each round of play random, and different.

The prime purpose of the game is to become familiar with the elements, players with more familiarity will stand a higher chance of winning.

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