In solo mode (1-player game), the setup and all phases are modified (see the list of changes to the right).

Shuffle the Development cards and form 8 face-down mini-decks of 5 cards each. These are the Development Pools. Form a deck from the rest of the Development cards.

Draft Phase
Since you are the only player, skip this phase, and move on to the Planning phase.
Planning Phase
You play 2 consecutive Sequences each Planning phase (8 total Sequences during the game).
For each Sequence, take a random 5-card Development Pool into your hand and look at the cards. You can:
Discard any 2 cards from your hand to draw 5 Development cards from the deck, keeping 1, and discarding the other 4. You can repeat this as often as you like, even discarding a card you just got. This allows you to see more of the cards, making it easier to hunt for cards that suit your strategy.
Place some or all of the cards in your Construction area.
Recycle some or all of the cards to collect their Recycling Bonuses.
Once you have placed or recycled all of the cards from your first Pool, start the second Sequence by taking a second Pool.
Once you have completed both Sequences, move on to the Production phase. Production phase: Because you are the only player, the Supremacy rule is modified. You can only collect the Supremacy Bonus for a Resource if you produced at least 5 of that Resource this round.
No other rules are changed.
End of the Game
Compare your score to the chart below to see how you performed!
60- Rooky
It's not at everybody's reach to become the ruler of the world. Keep trying.
60+ Dictator
Nice one, you can rule a country the size of a small town...
80+ Emperor
Generations of subjects will claim your name for the next centuries.
100+ Living God
Your name will be feared and worshipped in the coming millennium.
Solo Scenarios
This mode allows you to discover the different strategies of the game. In order to win, you have to construct all of the required cards. Compare your score to the required values to determine whether you earn a bronze, silver, or gold medal!
Play with the Solo-Mode rules.

SC01: To the Center of the Earth
« Supreme Leader, you who shine upon the Empire and provide happiness to your humble subjects! I've just received an urgent missive from our explorers team in the Arctic. They've found a secret tunnel to the center of the Earth!
Very good! Tell them to set up the camp and to build the Mega-Drill. Allow them to use the Super-Sonar as well. Give them the order to reach the center of the Earth before any other Empire. I demand it! »
Take an Empire card, B-side up, and place the following cards in your Construction area: Polar Base, Mega-Drill, Super-Sonar and Center of the Earth. At the end of the game, these cards have to be Constructed.
- Bronze medal: 70PV+
- Silver medal: 95PV+
- Gold medal: 115PV+
SC02: A Better World
« Wherever I look, all I see is filthy horizons filled with sick children. How can anyone be inspired, when the sky is filled with toxic fumes and the oceans full of garbage? This is unworthy of my respectful person! Grand Vizier, clean this mess immediately! »
Take an Empire card, B-side up, and place the following cards in your Construction area: Recycling Plant, Wind Turbines, Universal Vaccine and Aquaculture. At the end of the game, these cards have to be Constructed.
- Bronze medal: 70PV+
- Silver medal: 95PV+
- Gold medal: 115PV+
SC03: They are among us
The Supreme Leader made the globe spin nervously. He certainly was in a foul mood. « What about here? he asked his Grand Vizier. This is ours, it's a protectorate. And here? Come on, be quick about it! Here too, it's a puppet government. »
The Supreme Leader went mad: « This planet is too small for me! Now, the time has come to have a greater ambition. Grand vizier, tell the Special Science Research Development division that I am ready to bring hope and happiness to other planets! »
Take an Empire card, B-side up, and place the following cards in your Construction area: Unknown Technology, Saucer Squadron, Lunar Base and Secret Laboratory. At the end of the game, these cards have to be Constructed.
- Bronze medal: 70PV+
- Silver medal: 90PV+
- Gold medal: 105PV+
SC04: Back to the Future
« Grand Vizier, I have defeated all my enemies, from the outside AND from the inside. I have avoided all the traps and outwitted all the greatest leaders of the past. Is there any obstacle left for me to overcome? »
Lost in his philosophical thoughts, the Grand Vizier said softly: « Time, 0 Supreme Leader. Time always has the final word. »
The Supreme Leader stared at him coldly. « I will prevent time from existing, then! »
Take an Empire card, B-side up, and place the following cards in your Construction area: Research Center, Neuroscience and Time Travel. At the end of the game, these cards have to be Constructed.
- Bronze medal: 65PV+
- Silver medal: 85PV+
- Gold medal: 105PV+
Sc05: The end of times
The Supreme Leader has been spending all of this time surrounded by maps, books and reports. One day, the Grand Vizier glimpsed a sparkle in his eye, the same sparkle he had when he was young and at the peak of his power. The Great Leader complained:
« Fools, ungrateful traitors! They ruined everything! After all I've done for them... But, this is not over! I've conquered the Earth, the sky and space, but there is still a whole world to possess. And it is here, right under my feet! »
Take an Empire card, B-side up, and place the following cards in your Construction area: Industrial Complex, Underground City, Underwater City and Secret Society. At the end of the game, these cards have to be Constructed.
- Bronze medal: 75PV+
- Silver medal: 95PV+
- Gold medal: 120PV+
SC06: Money has no smell
The Supreme Leader had summoned his Grand Vizier:
«I have the power to decide if anyone should live or die. Yet, the megacorporations still seem more powerful than I am. I want this to end. Have the biggest monument built for my glory, (I mean, for the glory of the Empire) and make the megacorporations pay for it.»
Take an Empire card, B-side up, and place the following cards in your Construction area: Financial Center, Propaganda Center, National Monument. At the end of the game, these cards have to be Constructed.
- Bronze medal: 60PV+
- Silver medal: 85PV+
- Gold medal: 105PV+
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