- 51 cards,
- 30 wooden sand dollars
- 1 custom die
Object of the Game
Be the first player to collect four complete sets of surf dogs or have the most complete sets when the Surf deck runs out.
Separate the cards into two decks according to card back.
Sort through the Surf deck (blue back) and place one surf dog character card face up in front of each player. Shuffle the rest of the deck and stack it face down in the middle of the playing area.
Shuffle the Surf Shack deck and stack it, face down, next to the Surf deck.
Give each player three sand dollars. Place the remainder between the two decks in the middle of the playing area.
Place the die within reach of all players.

Game Play
The last person to smell a wet dog starts the game and play continues to the left. On your turn take ONE of the following actions:
Roll the die and collect sand dollars/visit the Surf Shack, OR
Cash in a multiple of 3 sand dollars and buy one or more cards from the Surf deck, OR
Cash in 2 sand dollars and draw the top card from the Surf Shack deck.
Note: Once you roll the die, you may not cash in sand dollars (and vice versa). Think carefully before you move!

Rolling the Die
If you choose to roll the die, one of two things may happen:
Collect sand dollars from the Bank
If the die lands on a number, collect that number of sand dollars from the bank. This ends your turn.
Note: You can not have more than nine sand dollars at any time as a result of rolling the die.
If you rolled a number that puts you over the limit, collect only the number that makes your total equal nine.
Visit the surf shack
If the die lands on the "Surf Shack" icon, draw the top Surf Shack card and place it face up next to the deck.
Then take one of the following actions:
a. Seagull
Swipe opponents' sand dollars. Roll the die again and collect that number of sand dollars from each player.
Example: If you roll a 3, every player must give you three sand dollars. If a player does not have the number of sand dollars you rolled, he should give as many as he has. If the die lands on the Surf Shack again, you get nothing.
Note: This is the only time you may possess more than nine sand dollars. However, you must buy at least one card on your next turn.
b. Snag a Surfboard
Steal an opponent's incomplete surf board cards. Roll the die and take that number of incomplete surf board cards from one player. You may steal any assortment of cards.
Example: if you roll a 2, steal any two incomplete cards from one player. If no player has the exact number of cards that you rolled, you may take up to that number. If the die lands on the Surf Shack again, you get nothing.
c. Wipe out!
Lose a number of incomplete surf board cards.
Roll the die again and remove that number of incomplete surf board cards from in front of you (your choice). Place them in a discard pile next to the Surf deck.
If you don't have the number of incomplete cards that you rolled, remove as many as you have up to that number. If the die lands on the Surf Shack again, your cards are safe.
Cashing in Sand Dollars

If you choose to cash in sand dollars, you can spend them in one of two ways:
Cash in a multiple of three sand dollars and buy one or more cards from the Surf deck. For example, three sand dollars buys you one card, six sand dollars buys two cards, and nine sand dollars buys three cards.
Place your sand dollars in the bank and then draw the corresponding number of cards from the top of the Surf deck and put them face up in front of you. If any of the cards helps to complete one of your Surf Dogs, line it up next to them.
If not, put it in an empty space to start a new Surf Dog. Note: You can have multiple incomplete Surf Dogs at the same time.
Completing a Surf dog
A complete surf dog consists of three cards: A nose surfboard card (left), a surf dog character (center), and a tail surfboard card (right).
Once a Surf Dog has been completed, all three cards are now protected for the rest of the game both from being stolen by other players as well as from being lost in a wipe out.
Cash in two sand dollars and draw the top card from the Surf Shack deck. Follow the card action as described under "Visit the Surf Shack".
Note: You may not buy multiple Surf Shack cards in a turn.
End of the Game
The game ends in one of two ways:
The first player to assemble four complete Surf Dogs wins the game.
When the Surf deck is depleted, the player with the most complete Surf Dogs wins. In case of a tie, the player with the most sand dollars wins.
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