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Rating: 5.6 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: Paul Peterson, Quinton Hoover, Mike Raabe

Published by: AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH, Darwin Project, Halloween Concept

Alternate Names: 斷頭台


Heads are going to roll-lots of them-and you want to earn top bragging rights back in the guillotine operators' locker room.

If you behead Marie Antoinette or King Louis XVI everyone will be impressed, but who's going to care if you lop off a palace guard's head? So make sure you collect the most prestigious noggins and you'll be head and shoulders above the rest!

The French Revolution is famous in part for the use of the guillotine to put nobles to death, and this is the macabre subject of this light card game.

As executioners pandering to the masses, the players are trying to behead the least popular nobles. Each day the nobles are lined up and players take turns killing the ones at the front of the line until all the nobles are gone.

However, players are given cards which will manipulate the line order right before 'harvesting,' which is what makes the game interesting. After three days worth of chopping, the highest total carries the day.

Retail Price:$12
Fairplay À la carte Winner 2003
Origins Awards Best Traditional Card Game Winner 1998

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