
- 33 Field cards
- 1 General Aid card
- 32 Water tokens
- 33 Livestock cards
- 33 Construction cards
- 33 Building cards
- 20 Water Tower cards
- 14 Silo cards
- 4 Player Aid cards
- 30 Equipment tiles
- 4 Card Pile Indicator tiles
- 61 Money tokens
- 20 VP tokens
- 44 Food tokens
- 1 First Player tile
- 1 Year Track tile
- 1 Year token
- 1 Scoring Pad
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
In Fields of Green, you take the role of a farmer trying to build your farm. You do this by drafting location cards with fields, livestock and various buildings, placing them in your play area in the best possible way.
The player with the most efficient farm after 4 years is the winner!
Before beginning to play, separate all the cards according to their type. There should be 4 main piles of Location cards (Fields, Livestock, Constructions & Buildings) as well as 2 piles with Water Towers and Silos.

1 Shuffle the 4 main piles and place them face down at the center of the table. In front of each pile place the Indicator tile that corresponds to it. Put the Water Tower and Silo piles face-up somewhere near the other piles.
2 Give each player 15 coins, a Water Tower and a Silo and place the 2 cards in front of them
3 Place 3 Water tokens on each Water Tower and 1 Food token on each Silo.
4 Put the rest of the money, the VP tokens, the Water and the Food tokens at the center of the table where everyone can reach them. This will be called the Supply.
5 Take the Equipment tiles, shuffle them and place them face-down in a stack, next to the Supply.
6 The player who most recently visited a Farm (or a rural area) gets to be the first player. Place the First Player tile in front of them.
You are now ready to start playing!
Game Play
The game is played over a period of 4 years, each of them represented by a single round. Each round consists of the following phases:
- Upkeep Phase
- Action Phase
- Harvest Phase
1. Upkeep Phase
Move the Year token to the current year on the Year Track tile.
The arrows around the year indicate the direction in which the cards are going to be handed from player to player (clockwise or counter-clockwise).
Get new resources for the round: 1 Food token, 2 Water tokens and 3 coins (skip this step during the 1st round).
The Water tokens must be placed on a Water Tower in your farm. Each Water Tower can normally store up to 3 Water.
If all Water Towers in your farm are full, any additional Water you get is lost.
Similarly, the Food token must be placed on a Silo in your farm. Each Silo can normally store up to 4 Food. If all Silos in your farm are full then any new Food you get is lost.
Each player then, starting with the one having the First Player tile and going clockwise, draws 6 cards out of the 4 main piles.
You may draw the cards in any combination you like, as long as you take cards from at least 3 of the 4 piles (for example: 3-2-1-0, 2-1-1-2 or 1-4-0-1 ). All of the cards are drawn at once - you are not allowed to see what you drew before choosing where to draw from next.
Also, the number of cards you draw from each pile is common information - everyone must be aware of how many cards were drawn from each pile by the players before them. If one of the piles happens to run out, then no more cards from that pile may be drawn for the rest of the game.
These 6 cards form your initial hand for the round.

When playing the game for the first time, or when introducing it to new players, we suggest you use the following Introductory Mode:

After everyone has taken 6 cards, move to the next phase.
2. Action Phase
This phase consists of 6 turns. During these turns, all players play simultaneously.
Every turn, you select a card from your hand, put it face down in front of you and pass the rest of the cards to the next player (as indicated by the Year Track tile). After everyone has done so, you simultaneously reveal your selected card and choose one of these actions to perform:
- Build Location
- Build Water Tower
- Build Silo
- Go to Market
- Restore Location.
A. Build Location
Location cards may only be built adjacent to other Location cards. Two locations are considered adjacent if they are placed next to each other orthogonally. If they are placed diagonally from each other, they are NOT considered adjacent.

At the beginning of the game, the only locations in your Farm are the initial Water Tower and Silo so any Location card you build must be adjacent to one of those.
In order to build a location, you have to pay its cost. Every location has its cost in coins in the upper, left-hand corner of the card. Some also list a Water or Food requirement directly below the credit requirement.
If there is a Water requirement, it must be paid using Water from a nearby Water Tower - it has to be within 2 distance from the location you are attempting to build. Distance is counted through built locations, orthogonally, with each card counting as a distance of 1.
If there is a Food requirement, it must be paid using Food from your Silos. There is no distance requirement when Food is concerned - you may use Food tokens from any Silo when paying for a cost, regardless of where they are in your Farm.

Note: If you select a card but are unable to pay its cost (either coins or water/food requirement), then you cannot build the location and must select another action instead.
After you pay the cost and build the location by placing it adjacent to a previously-built location in your Farm, you check the ability on the bottom of the card.
If it is written in a gray frame, it is considered to be an Immediate ability and is applied at that moment - follow the instructions as written.
If the ability is written in a green or yellow frame, it is considered to be a Harvest or Game End abilitiy accordingly, and is checked at a different time.
B. Build Water Tower
In order to pay for the Water requirements of some locations (mostly Fields) you may need to build additional Water Towers.
To do so, discard the card you selected (after revealing it simultaneously with the other players), pay the Water Tower's cost (2 coins), take a Water Tower card from its pile, and build it anywhere in your Farm, adjacent to an already-built location. Also place 3 Water tokens on it.
Keep in mind that Water from a Water Tower may only be used for locations built within 2 distance of it.
![]() Water Towers allow you to store Water. You can spend this Water within a range of 2. |
Water Towers count as locations but do not have a location type of their own.
In the rare occasion where there are no Water Tower cards available (or if a player doesn't have the 2 coins required), this action may not be taken and another action must be chosen instead.
C. Build Silo
The Food you produce in your Farm must be stored on your Silos. The initial Silo you start with can store up to 4 Food. If you want to be able to store more Food, you must build additional Silos.
In order to build a Silo, discard the card you selected (after revealing it simultaneously with the other players), take a Silo card from its pile, and build it anywhere in your Farm, adjacent to an already-built location.
The cost for a Silo is 0 so you don't have to pay any coins in order to do so.
![]() Silos allow you to store Food. You can spend this Food anywhere in your farm. |
All Silos come empty - no Food is placed on them when they are built. They just provide additional storage space for the Food you will produce in future turns. You may freely move Food from one Silo to another at any time, as long as the storage limit is not exceeded.
Silos count as locations but do not have a location type of their own. In the rare occasion where there are no Silo cards available, this action may not be taken and another action must be chosen instead.
D. Go to Market
Using this action you can go to the local market and sell some of the Food you produce.
Discard the card you selected (after revealing it simultaneously with the other players) and gain 2 coins. You may also sell up to 2 of your Food and gain 2 coins per each (see also table).
Cost | Reward |
Discard card | 2 Coins |
Discard card + 1 Food | 4 Coins |
Discard card + 2 Food | 6 Coins |
E. Restore a Location
Sometimes, a location card is turned face-down and becomes an Open Area (see Harvest Phase section below). To turn it face-up again, discard the card you selected (after revealing it simultaneously with the other players) and pay 1 coin.

Note: All discarded cards are placed face up in the discard pile, available for all players to see.
After 6 turns, players are left with no cards in hand and the next phase begins.
3. Harvest Phase
During this phase, you check the locations in your Farm that have a Harvest ability (light green frame). Each of those abili- ties has a cost on the left side. You need to pay the cost for each of your Harvest abilities in order to apply them.
If you are unable or unwilling to pay for a Harvest cost, the location card is turned face-down and is considered to be an Open Area.
You are not allowed to build another location on top of an Open Area but you may turn it face-up again by discarding a card in one of your future turns and paying 1 coin (see the Restore a Location action above).
You may pay the Harvest costs of the locations in your Farm (and apply their abilities), in any order you want. When you do so, you put the paid resources on top of the Harvest cost as a reminder, to indicate that you have paid it.

Some limitations that you must always follow are:
Water must be paid from a Water Tower within range.
A Silo may not store more than 4 Food on it. If you are going to produce more Food than what you can store, you must make sure to spend the Food you have first (to pay other Harvest abilities) otherwise the new Food will be lost.
Keep in mind that during the Action phase you are allowed to build a location for which you cannot at the moment pay the
Harvest cost (for example a location requiring Water in the Harvest cost, built with no Water Towers within 2 distance of it). However, you must be able to provide it when the Harvest phase comes or the location will be turned into an Open Area.
If a Harvest Ability causes you to get a new Equipment in your Farm, you are allowed to use it in the same Harvest phase if applicable.
At the end of the Harvest phase remove from the cards all the resources used to pay the Harvest costs. Then, the player with the First Player tile passes it to the player on their left.
Some cards in the game allow you to get Equipment in your Farm.

When you get an Equipment, draw 3 tiles, choose one to place in your Farm and put the other two at the bottom of the pile. Each Equipment tile lists on it the location on which it can be placed.
For example, if it lists Field it can only be placed on a Field card. If there is an additional keyword after the location type, it must be also taken into account. Field - Harvest for example means it can only be placed on a Field with a Harvest ability.
If you are unable or unwilling to place the chosen Equipment tile in your Farm, you may keep it on the side. For the rest of the game, any time you build a location on which that Equipment tile can be placed on, you may choose to do so.
However, it must be done as you build that location - you may not do it afterwards. At the end of the game, if you still have any unplaced Equipment on the side, you get 1 VP for each of them.
Each location may have up to 2 Equipment tiles on it but they must be different - you can't place the same Equipment twice on the same location.
After being placed on locations, the Equipment tiles provide you with additional abilities. Some of the abilities are ongoing while others are used in specific phases only. If nothing is specified, it applies (once) when you place the tile.
If a location with Equipment on it is turned into an Open Area, the Equipment is discarded. Even if you restore the location in a future turn, you won't get the Equipment back.
End of the Game
When the 4th round ends (after its Harvest phase is complete), the game is over. You now calculate your score using the provided score-pads. Specifically:
Sum the VP written on the cards in your Farm (lower right corner, just above the ability) as well as any VP tokens you may have gained from abilities.
Calculate VP from Equipment tiles with Game End abilities. Also get 1 VP for each Equipment tile you set aside but did not end up using.
Get 1 VP for every 3 coins you end the game with.
Get 1 VP for every 2 Food tokens in your Silos
Get 1 VP for each empty Water Tower in your Farm.
Calculate VP from locations in your Farm with Game End abilities. (You can use the smaller squares on the score-pad to write down each card's points in order to more easily calculate the total).
The player with the most VP is the winner!
In case of a tie, the winner is the player among them with the most locations in their Farm. If still tied, the winner is the player among them who ended the game with the most money.
If there is still a tie, all tied players share the victory.
2-player Rules
When playing with 2 players, the following changes occur:
During the Upkeep phase, after the players draw their 6 cards, they do not look at them.
Instead, they shuffle all 12 of them together and place them in a face-down pile. Then, they reveal the first 6 cards from that pile and place them face- up on the table.
During the Action phase, the players don't play simultaneously - they take turns instead. The player with the First Player tile goes first, chooses one of the 6 face-up cards and performs one of the available actions with that card.
Then, play passes to the other player who chooses one of the 5 remaining cards and performs one action with it.
After both players have taken their first action, 2 more cards are revealed from the pile and are added to the rest of the face-up cards.
Players continue choosing cards this way for the duration of the round. When there are no more cards to draw from the pile, continue without adding any new cards until all 12 cards have been taken.
At that point, the Action phase ends and players proceed to the Harvest phase.
Timing Rules
If 2 or more players want to do something at the same time (for example take an Equipment) the order is determined by the First Player token.
The player who is closest (in turn order) to the player with the token goes first and then order pro- ceeds clockwise from there.
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