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  • 6 Character cards
  • 29 Victory tokens (front: 1 point; back: 5 points)
  • 5 houses & bases
  • 1 Wolf figure & base
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Take on the role of the Wolf or one of his tender victims each round. Get the most victory points by the end of the game. But beware, Wolf! Your victims might defend themselves!


Punch out all components from their boards. Insert the Wolf into a base, and assemble each house like this:

Attach the wheel to the back of the house with the little plastic fasteners (see the diagram to the right). Then insert the house into a base.

The characters you use in the game depend on the number of players:

  • 3players: the Wolf / the Kids / one of the Three Little Pigs.
  • 4 players: the Wolf / the Kids / Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother / one of the Three Little Pigs.
  • 5 players: the Wolf / the Kids / Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother / two of the Three Little Pigs.
  • 6 players: the Wolf / the Kids / Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother / all Three Little Pigs.

Next, place the Victory point tokens (the stars) in the center of the table, where everyone can reach them.

At the start of the game, each player receives a random Character card. Once everyone has a card, reveal them. Then, take the house or figure shown on your card, and place it in front of you.

Game Play

First, before the Wolf player chooses his victim, each other player secretly chooses one option: sleep or set a trap. To show your choice, rotate the wheel on your house so the arrow /\ points at either the nightcap or the trap.

Don't let the Wolf player or your neighbors see what you pick. It's also OK to bluff, or tell a few lies.

Next, the Wolf player chooses his victim by placing his figure in front of that character's house. Feel free to have the Wolf stroll from house to house first to make the other players sweat.

Once the Wolf figure stops in front of a player's house, that player turns his house around to reveal his choice. There are two possibilities:

: The Wolf player earns the number of victory points that are on the victim's house (3, 2, or 1/ The victim loses that many points.

: The Wolf player loses the number of victory points on the victim's house. The victim earns that many points.

After the Wolf and his victim have settled their affairs, the other players turn their houses around to reveal their choices. There are two possibilities:

@game3.jpgj: You earn the number of victory points that are on your house (3, 2, or 1).

: Because the Wolf did not attack you, you earn no victory points. But you don't lose any, either.

Take any victory points you earned from the center of the table. Put victory points you lost back in the center of the table.

If you reach 5 or more victory points, turn over one of your tokens to its face, and put 4 others back so everyone has enough.

Note: If you lose more victory points than you have (i.e. you are the Wolf or his victim), simply lose all that you have.

Even if you have nothing to lose, you are still considered the player who lost victory points during the round.

Finally, the player who lost victory points during the round (the Wolf or his victim) takes the Character cards, and redistributes them however he wants, face-up.

Then, each player takes the corresponding house or figure, and a new round starts.

End of the Game

The game ends when one or more players have 10 or more victory points at the end of a round.

The player with the most victory points wins.

If there is a tie, and one of the tied players is the Wolf or his victim and gained points last round, that player wins. Otherwise, the first tied player clockwise from the Wolf wins.

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