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Blue Cards (maritime)

Blue cards are associated with maritime buildings, which are the only wooden pieces playable on the sea regions. Trade allows you to sell resources for gold or VP. These cards also allow you to buy resources, or exchange them with the general supply.

  • You can never play 2 maritime buildings on the same sea region.
  • It is possible that you cannot play a blue card because you have no access to the sea.
  • It is possible that nobody can play a blue card because all sea regions are occupied.
  • Sold resources are returned to the general supply.
  • The resources purchased are taken from the general supply.

Green Cards (production)

The production buildings produce the 4 types of resources that will be necessary for building construction and for trade.


A building produces only the resource associated with the region in which it is built. The way it is produced is described by the card effect.

Yellow Cards (scientific)

Scientific cards allow you to neglect the gods and to no longer have to make an offering.

Indeed, certain cards allow you to draw cards, and others allow you to gain wooden pieces from the general supply. Science also allows you to activate cards of other colors.

  • You can never have more than 10 cards in your hand.
  • When you gain pieces, choose freely from among the 5 types of building (but not temples), and place the piece on the appropriate space of your player board.

Brown Cards (civil)

Civil cards allow you to gain VP or money, depending on your development.

Half of the cards reward you based on the size of your cities; the other half reward you based on the terrain type on which you have built.

Red Cards (military)

Military cards allow you to attack your opponents by stealing their gold or VP.

Military units are also the only buildings you can move, which you do by using the effects of certain cards. In addition, you will need military units to attack the barbarian villages.

  • To save space on the military cards, we used shorter terms: army means «military unit» and ship means «maritime building».
  • Moving a military unit 1 region allows you to move the military unit into an adjacent region.
  • A military unit can move through regions occupied by opponents, and through barbarian villages, as long as it doesn't end its move there.
  • A military unit may enter and stop in a sea region if one of your maritime buildings is there. You can never enter a sea region occupied by an enemy maritime building.
  • There can never be two military units in the same area at the end of a turn.

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