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  • 26 Character cards
  • 6 Aid cards
  • 32 Tokens
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

To have the least number of tokens at the end of the game

Game Play

The number of rounds in each game is equal to the number of players x3 (for example, 4 players x3 = twelve rounds). To increase the play time, multiply by 4, 5, 6... To decrease the play time, multiply the number of players by 2.

The dealer is chosen randomly. A card is dealt face-down to each player beginning with the player on the right and the deck of cards is placed on the right of the dealer.

Once a card is dealt face-down to each player, the player on the right of the dealer starts playing. Each player during his/her turn may opt to take any of the following three actions:

  1. Keep the dealt card and forego turn (known as stand).

  2. Use the power of the card if it so permits. Show the card and enforce power. These cards are: trader, thief, bard, dragon and king (see DESCRIPTION OF CARDS for more information).

  3. Exchange card with the player on the right. Except if the player is a dealer, in lieu of exchanging with the player on the right, if you choose to change your card, show your card, tell your intention to change it, cut the deck of cards and the card that comes up is your new card.

Once all players have gone through their turn, in sequence from the first player the powers of the final round are played for the following cards: innkeeper, clown, monk, magician, knight, princess, queen and king.

Once all the powers of the cards are enforced, the player or the players having cards with the lowest value lose and steal one token each. Death always loses if it is in play. The round ends once tokens are dealt.

Alternative Modes of Play

1. Death over all players

It is played in the same fashion except that at the end of the round, the player or players having the lowest value steal three tokens each.

The players (or player) having the second lowest value steal 2 tokens each and the third player (or players) having the next lowest value steal one token each.

At the end of the round if there is/are one or more player/players with a king, these players will return one token each to the house reserve.

2. There can be only one

It is played in the same fashion, except that at the beginning of the game each player receives the following tokens:

  1. 2-6 players: 5 tokens (approximate duration 40 minutes)
  2. 7-12 players: 4 tokens (approximate duration 40-50 minutes)
  3. 13-20 players: 3 tokens (approximate duration 60-80 minutes)

The player or players having the lowest card value lose or loses one token each. A player who loses all his/her tokens is eliminated from the game. The player who eliminates all other players wins the game.

Description of Cards

0. Death: At the end of play if there is death in play, the player (or players) with death lose that round.

1. Innkeeper: At the end of the round if there is a king in play, the innkeeper turns.

2. Trader: Show this card. You may exchange this card with the first card from the deck of cards.

3. Thief: Show this card. See the card of one of the players on your right and choose to change it or not.

4. Clown: At the end of the round if there is a queen in play, the clown turns.

5. Bard: Show this card. Exchange this card with the card of one of the players on your right.

6. Monk: At the end of the round this card has the same value of the card on your right. This power does not apply if you are the dealer.

7. Magician: At the end of the round if a monk is in play, the magician turns.

8. Dragon: Show this card. Discard the card of the player on your right. The player on the right steals the first card from the deck of cards and may play with it.

9. Knight: At the end of the round all the dragons in play turn.

10. Princess: At the end of the round all the knights in play turn.

11. Queen: At the end of the round if there is any princess in play, the queen turns.

12. King: Picks up the card at the beginning of the round. No one can exchange this card.

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