Card Descriptions

5, 30. Life Insurance - Play this card to avoid losing a card from misfortune.
11. Zoo trip - Play this card to throw 2 more dice during a turn. The card can be played during any of the 3 dice rolls in a turn, and its effect lasts for the rest of that turn.
12. Bicycle - The player who starts with this card reveals it face up and is the starting player. It is that player's first possession.
28. Job at Dad's company - As an active job card, this generates a symbol of bad luck each turn. Therefore rolling even just 2 more bad luck symbols on the dice will cause misfortune (loss of a card).
29. Pension fund - This event provides (once) up to 4 money symbols. But the card can only be played in old age, i.e., when at least 1 card from the old age deck is already on the track.
35. Magician - As an active card, this can change one symbol on a die or token to any other, once per turn. However, bad luck and good luck are exceptions: they cannot be changed to other symbols, and other symbols cannot be changed to bad luck or good luck!
36. Friend from work - As an active card, this lets the owner use one symbol from an active work card of either neighbor (sitting to the left or right). Each turn, the owner may freely pick 1 symbol from a neighbor's active work card. The neighbor does not lose anything (they keep their own token for their card).
41. Early retirement - his card has no cost. It has only a requirement to obtain it: the player must already have at least one work card. The card's owner may not take any more work cards for the rest of the game.
43. Memory master - As an active card, this generates 1 health / relationship / knowledge / money (the owner chooses which type each turn). It cannot generate a good luck or bad luck symbol.
45. Trip around the world - As an active card, each turn it can change 1 bad luck symbol on a die or token into a health / relationship / knowledge / money (owner's choice).
46. Bike instead of car - As an active card, this generates 1 health each turn and also allows its owner a 4th dice throw (instead of the normal 3 throws).
53. Psychotherapy - As an active card, each turn it permits the owner, in one of their rerolls, to reroll bad luck symbols. (Bad luck is normally "frozen").
57. Offer from a job center - This card has no cost. It has only a requirement to obtain it: the player must have no work cards.
60. Pension - This card costs 2 bad luck. If the player rolled 3 bad luck (causing misfortune and the loss of some card), the player can still use 2 of those bad lucks to buy this card.
73. Marathon runner, 74. Celebrity, 75. Professor - As an active card, these each count double when scoring their type of card at the end of the game. For example, a player has 5 knowledge cards, and the Professor is the active card in that stack. The player earns 21 points, not just 15, because the Professor scores double.
76. Collector - a player who fulfills this goal at the end of the game receives 1 point for each possession card in his CV.
77. Jack of all trades - a player who fulfills this goal at the end of the game receives 1 point for every token generated by his active cards in his CV.
78. Renaissance man - a player who fulfills this goal at the end of the game receives 7 points for each set of 5 cards of different types (health, relationship, knowledge, wealth, work) in his CV.
79. Hard worker - a player who fulfills this goal at the end of the game receives 3 points for each work card in his CV.
80. A sound mind in a sound body - a player who fulfills this goal at the end of the game receives 2 points for each pair of knowledge and health cards in his CV.
81. Activist - a player who fulfills this goal at the end of the game receives 2 points for each pair of relationship and health cards in his CV.
82. Successful person - a player who fulfills this goal at the end of the game receives 3 points for each set of 3 cards (2 wealth and 1 work) in his CV.
83. The Life of the Party - a player who fulfills this goal at the end of the game receives 2 points for each pair of relationship and knowledge cards in his CV.
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