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Rating: 8.7 Excellent
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 90-42 minutes

Created by: Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang Kramer, Paul Mafayon, Christophe Swal

Published by: Super Meeple, dV Giochi, Keep Exploring Games


You are great Inca dignitaries, fighting for political supremacy in the Andes. You must exploit the new, still virgin territory of Moray, north of Cuzco, a vast region between forests and mountains, to found the new bases of your civilization.

You must irrigate the soil and plant innovative food crops in circular terraces. Build Villages, then transform them into Cities by building Temples. Then expand the Temples, and organize ever grander Festivals in honor of the Sun God.

Because each of you is acting in your own interests, you must make the most of every opportunity offered by this territory of the Cuzco region by developing it fully, while taking advantage of others' achievements, as well.

Whoever earns the most Prestige will be designated Emperor.

Cuzco is the reimplentation of Java, the second game in the Mask Trilogy, designed by Michael Kiesling and Wolfgang Kramer and originally published in 2000.

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