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Rating: 7.4 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: Sir John Suckling

Published by: (Public Domain), (Unknown), 5th Peg

Alternate Names: 3 Track Cribbage Set, Bicycle, Capstan Cribbage Board, Cards and Cribbage, Century Continuous Track Cribbage


Cribbage is a card game that is played with a deck of standard playing cards and a signature piece of equipment called the Cribbage Board. There are rules for 2, 3, and 4 player games, but Cribbage is typically played as a 2 player game.

Players are each dealt a hand of 6 cards, of which they discard 2 into a special pile called the Crib. One card is then cut from draw pile and turned face up - it is considered part of each player's hand and of the Crib.

The players then alternately play a card, scoring points for hitting certain totals, or for making sets or sequences. Score is kept by moving pegs around tracks on the cribbage board. This is repeated until all players have exhausted their hand of cards.

Once all players are out of cards, each player picks up his hand and determines all possible scoring combinations, pegging points again on the cribbage board.

The dealer then picks up the Crib and scores it for all possible points. Then the cards are shuffled, the deal alternates, and the process is repeated. The winner is the first person to peg 121 or more points.

Retail Price:$14
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