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Rating: 6.3 Fair
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 60-75 minutes

Official Site: Coal Baron game page at eggertspiele

Created by: Michael Kiesling, Wolfgang Kramer, Dennis Lohausen

Published by: Delta Vision Publishing, eggertspiele, Gigamic

Alternate Names: La Era Del Carbón, Glück Auf, Gueules Noires, Szczęść Boże, Szczęść Boże


Coal Baron - or Glück Auf in German, after a greeting German miners use when wishing one another luck - has players sending miners underground to dig tunnels and acquire coal, which comes in four levels of quality and is used to fulfill contracts.

The game lasts three rounds, and in each round players take turns placing their workers on action spaces; you can place on a space occupied by another player, but you need to place additional workers in order to do so.

Each player has an individual elevator shaft, and will need to use workers to extract coal and bring it to the surface, while also competing for contracts and scrounging for cash in order to do everything else that needs to be done!

Retail Price:$43
Glück Auf: Phasenkarten
Graf Ludo Best Family Game Graphics Winner 2014
Meeples' Choice Nominee 2013

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