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  • 5 Regular Dice
  • 1 Hi/Lo Die
  • 1 Carrying Case
  • 1 Score Card
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Score points by rolling closest to the perfect Hi or Lo score. The first player to 100 points is the winner!


Open up the container and remove the Dice, Score Card and the Instructions. Keep the Carrying Case in front of the first player.

Place the Score Card in the middle of the play area so all players can see it.

Note: A pen or pencil and some paper are helpful to have on hand to keep score.

Game Elements

The Hi/Lo Die

The Hi/Lo die is a unique part of Cinq-0 and this is how it works:

The arrows tell you whether you should try for Hi or Lo rolls with your scoring dice. Example: If your first roll is 1,2,4,3,3 and 3 you'll probably want to try for the perfect "Lo" score.

The arrows also tell you which side of the Score Card you will use to find your score. The represents the "Hi" side and the represents the "Lo" side of the Score Card.

The Hi/Lo die can be rolled with each roll of the scoring dice (up to the fifth roll). At the end of the fifth, or final roll, the Hi/Lo die must be placed in the Hi/Lo Box and you may not roll it again.

The Hi/Lo die is used to multiply your score at the end of a round.

The perfect roll on the Hi/Lo die, if you are going for a Hi score, is 3 . The perfect Lo roll on the Hi/Lo die is 3 .

The Rack ,the Bank and the Hi/Lo Box

Your Cinq-0 Carrying Case is divided into three distinct areas.

The Rack

The Rack holds the dice that you decide to score. After each roll, you must place at least one die from your roll or the Bank into the Rack.

Dice placed in the Rack cannot be rolled again. When the Rack is full your turn is over.

Note: Placing the Hi/Lo die does not count as a Racked die.

The Bank

Because you must Rack a die after each roll you may choose to Bank one or more of your dice as insurance.

Example: if you are trying for a Hi Score and your roll comes up 6,5,3,3,2, you could put the 6 in the Rack and the 5 in the Bank.

If your next roll comes up 4,2,3, you may Rack the 5 from the Bank instead of the 2 or 3. Once a die is Banked, it cannot be rolled again but it can be moved to the Rack.

The Hi/Lo Box

The Hi/Lo Box is where you put the Hi/Lo die to lock in your decision to go Hi or Lo. Once the Hi/Lo die is placed in the Hi/Lo Box it cannot be rolled again.

Game Play

  1. Youngest player rolls first.

  2. Roll all six dice at once. A player may roll the dice up to, but no more than five times on their turn.

  3. After each roll, at least one scoring die must be placed in the Rack. More than one die from each roll can be placed in the Rack if the player chooses.

  4. Once the Rack is full, your turn is over and the Hi/Lo die must be placed in the Hi/Lo Box. You may not roll the Hi/Lo die after the fifth scoring die is Racked.

Note: Once a die is placed in either the Rack, or the Hi/Lo Box, it cannot be removed or replaced, and must remain there for the rest of the turn.

Scoring dice that have been placed in the Bank may not be re-rolled ard must be placed in the Rack before the end of the fifth roll.


Once you've finished your turn, it's now time to add up your score.

  1. The Score Card has a "Hi" and "Lo" side. Flip it over to find the side that corresponds to your Hi/Lo die.

  2. Add up all five of your Racked dice and find that number in the Dice Total column.

  3. Next find the corresponding number in the Number column (=).

  4. Multiply this number, not the dice total, by the number shown on your Hi/Lo die. This becomes your score for the round.

Example: Let's say you've finished rolling. The total of your dice is 6 ard the Hi/Lo die shows 2 .

Flip the Score Card to the Lo side and find 6 in the Dice Total column. Its corresponding number in the Number column (=) is 8.

Now multiply 8 by the 2 showing on the Hi/Lo die. Your total score for the round is 16.

Perfect Score

A perfect Hi score would be five 6's and a 3 , which is worth 30 points. A perfect Lo score would be five 1 's and a 3 , which is also worth 30 points.

Note: Players with a straight (1,2,3,4,5 or 2,3.4,5,6) showing on the scoring dice in the Rack at the end of their turn, automatically receive a 10 for their partial score.

They will then multiply that by the number showing on the Hi/Lo die.

If you roll five of a kind in a single roll you automatically receive 10 points and then take a second turn.

Game Reminders

  • You may roll the dice up to 5 times.

  • After each roll, at least one die must be placed in the Rack.

  • The Hi/Lo die may be rolled each time you roll the scoring dice. You may not roll the Hi/Lo die after the fifth roll of your scoring dice or after the Rack is full.

  • Once racked, the arrows on the Hi/Lo die tell you which side of the Score Card you use to calculate your score, regardless of whether you intended to try for hi or lo values.

  • Racked and Banked dice may not be re-rolled.

End of the Game

The first player to 100 points is the winner!

Other Ways to Play

Determine beforehand how many rounds you would like to play. When every player has rolled, you have completed one round.

Add up your points at the end of those rounds and see who has the most points! Start with five rounds and see what you think!

Cinq-o Solitaire

See how many rounds it takes you to reach 100 points and then try to beat your record.

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