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Rating: 5.2 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 0-9 minutes

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Published by: Goliath B.V. (Board Game)


Your little one and friends can save the chickens from the sly fox when they play the Catch the Fox Game! This game includes a toy fox, toy chickens, chicken coops, a die, and a sticker sheet.

Players will take turns filling up the fox's pants with chickens until they fall out. Everybody will then try to save the chickens by putting them in their coops. Watch as your child clucks their way to victory playing this game!

The player who makes the best clucking sound goes first The player will roll the die and place as many chickens as the number rolled into any of the Fox's pockets.

After placing the chickens in the pockets, the player must firmly press the Fox's head 1 time until it clicks.

If nothing happens it is the next player's turn If the fox has too many chickens, his pants will fall down. When this happens, players must scoop each chicken up 1 at a time using one hand and place them in their coops.

The first player to fill their coop up with five chickens wins.

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