The game includes 26 different yellow tiles. Many have effects that take place immediately after placement, in that they change certain rules. Others only come into play during final scoring.
The player who adds this tile to his estate may ignore the rule that only one building of each type is allowed in each city. He may thus add as many buildings as he likes, without restriction, to his cities.
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives one worker tile from the general supply in addition to the usual Silverling for each of his mines at the end of each phase.
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives 2 Silverlings from the general supply instead of 1 each time he sells goods (either via dice action or by adding a warehouse to his estate).
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives one worker tile from the general supply in addition to the usual Silverling each time he sells goods (either via dice action or by adding a warehouse to his estate).
The player who adds this tile to his estate may, when adding a ship to his estate, choose to take goods tiles not from one but from two neighbouring goods spaces and add them to his goods storage.
The player who adds this tile to his estate may buy not only from the central black depot but also from the other six depots (i.e. from all seven). That player may still only make one purchase per turn.
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives 1 victory point more for each animal tile (i.e. not for each individual animal!) that scores points when a new animal tile is added.
Example: Benno adds a 3 sheep tile to a pasture that already has a 4 sheep tile. He scores (3+1) + (4+1) = 9 victory points. Should he later add a 2 pig tile to this pasture, then it would score 3 victory points.
The player who adds this tile to his estate may adjust a die result by up to +/- 2 per worker tile that he pays.
Example: To make a 3 out of a 6, Carla would now only need 2 worker tiles.
The player who adds this tile to his estate may adjust all die results being used to place buildings (beige tiles) by +/- 1, just as if he had used a worker tile for them.
The player who adds this tile to his estate may adjust all die results being used to place ships or animals (blue or light green tiles) by +/- 1, just as if he had used a worker tile for them.
The player who adds this tile to his estate may adjust all die results being used to place castles, mines or "knowledge" (dark green, grey or yellow tiles) by +/- 1, just as if he had used a worker tile for them.
The player who adds this tile to his estate may adjust any die results being used to take new six-sided tiles from the game board by +/- 1, just as if he had used a worker tile for them.
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives one Silverling in addition to the usual 2 worker tiles each time he chooses the "Take worker tiles" dice action.
Note: This tile has no effect when adding a boarding house.
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives 4 (instead of the usual 2) worker tiles each time he chooses the "Take worker tiles" dice action.
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives 3 victory points at the end of the game for each goods type that he has sold at least one goods tile of. Unsold goods are ignored.
Note: Players may look at their sold goods tiles at any time.
Example: Dario has sold the following goods tiles: 4x red, 3x violet, 3x pink and 1x orange. He receives 4 types x 3 victory points = 12 VP.
The players who add these tiles (Nos. 16-23) to their estates receive 4 victory points at the end of the game for each corresponding building that has been added to their estates.
Example: Benno has yellow tiles 17 (watchtowers) and 22 (banks) in his estate at the end of the game, along with 2 watchtowers and 4 banks. He receives (2 x 4) + (4 x 4) = 24 victory points for them.
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives 4 victory points at the end of the game for each animal type that has been added to his estate.
Example: Anna has 1 cow, 1 chicken and 3 sheep tiles at the end of the game. She receives 3 types x 4 victory points = 12 VP.
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives 1 victory point at the end of the game for each sold goods tile. Unsold goods are ignored. Should Dario have also owned this tile, then he would have received 11 VP for it.
The player who adds this tile to his estate receives 2 victory points at the end of the game for each bonus tile he claimed, regardless whether they are large or small.

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