Chart One

Advanced Artillery
Each artillery unit can now support two infantry per attack.
Anti-aircraft guns have now rocket launchers and can make a signle rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex within 3 spaces during the Conduct Combat Phase.
This attack does 1d6 damage.
Each bomber can transport one infantry in the first hostile territory.
The infantry unit may retreat to a friendly adjacent space.
Increased Factory Production
Each of your industrial complexes can produce now 2 additional units beyond its listed IPC value.
When repairing a damaged industrial complex, you can remove two damage markers for the cost of 1 IPC.
War Bonds
During your Collect Icome Phase, roll 1d6 and collect that many additional IPC's.
Mechanized Infantry
Each infantry matched up with a tank can move two spaces along with the tank.
Chart Two
Super Submarines
The attack of your submarines is now 3 instead of 2 while the defense value remains 1.
Jet Fighters
The attack value of your fighters is now 4 instead of 3.
Improved Shipyards
Your sea units are now cheaper
- Battleship: 17
- Aircraft carrier: 11
- Cruiser: 10
- Destroyer: 7
- Transport: 6
- Submarine: 5
Your antiaircraft gun fire hits now on 1 or 2 instead of just a 1.
Long-Range Aircraft
Your fighter's range increases from 4 to 6.
Your bombers's range increases from 6 to 8.
Heavy Bombers
Your bombers are now heavy bombers. You can roll now two dice for each bomber when you attack or make a strategic bombing raid.
On defense, your bombers still roll one die.
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