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Rating: 7.3 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 1-2 players
Playing time: 30-100 minutes

Official Site: Aerion on Z-Man games website

Created by: Shadi Torbey, Élise Plessis

Published by: Z-Man Games, Inc.


You are an air-shipwright, that is, an inventor of flying machines used by the dreams to traverse the skies of the Oniverse.

You have been challenged to build a new fleet, the most beautiful ever seen. Now you must roll the dice to acquire the components you need to build airships.

In Aerion, a solo/co-operative game for 1-2 players, you must find the best blueprints, acquire the finest construction materials, and recruit the best crew.

Discarding cards can adjust your die rolls, but be careful not to exhaust your resources! Can you build the best fleet?

Aerion includes six expansion modules with new options and challenges.

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