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Rating: 7.2 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 30-66 minutes

Created by: Tsuyoshi Hashiguchi (はしぐち つよし), Chris Quilliams

Published by: Ghenos Games, Next Move Games, Pegasus Spiele


5211 is a fast-playing card game with a unique scoring method that rewards clever play!

This game has cards 1-6 in five colors. Each player starts with a hand of five cards.

Players play two cards face-down, then simultaneously reveal them. They refill their hand, then repeat this process two more times, but only with one card.

The cards of the majority color will score - unless too many are present, in which case the color busts and the second most color scores. In case of a tie for majority, the tied colors are also out.

These rounds are repeated until the deck runs out. The player with the most points wins.

5211 is a new edition of 5 COLORS that has all new art.

Retail Price:$13

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