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Ship Cards

There are 4 different Ship cards in the game. Ship cards are identified by their hull size and color.

Why Each State Action Matters

Office Of Manuel Da Maia (the Builder)

State Officials: You will send your State Officials to work in Public Buildings when you take the king's Noble action. Also, having your State Officials in a Noble's office makes it harder for other players to visit that Noble!

Plans: You will use your Plans to open Public Buildings when you take the king's Noble action. The number of State Officials depicted on a Plan tells you how many State Officials you will need to assign and/or hire to run the building. The more State Officials you send to work in Public Buildings, the better your chances for wigs at the end of the game.

Office Of Marquis De Pombal (the Minister)

Ships: You gain Influence with your Ships, and any player can use them to sell goods, which will earn you wigs when the Ship is full and sets sail.

Produce goods: Goods can be spent to build Ships, can be traded to Nobles for State actions, and can be sold via Ships for money. You really must keep some on hand at all times. Goods are manufactured in your stores.

Office Of D. Jose I (the King)

Meet the Cardinal: Having Clergy tiles provides permanent benefits, but they can also be surrendered for wigs and Influence when the Cardinal passes the Influence icon.

Get a Royal Favor: Having a Royal Favor lets you Follow a visit to that Noble on someone else's turn. This means an extra action!

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