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Q: When Do The Abilities On The 3 (fox) And 5 (woodcutter) Occur?

Each of these two abilities takes place immediately when the card is played, before another card is played or the winner of the trick is determined. (NOTE: If the person playing a 3 changes the decree card, the trump suit may also change. The new trump suit is used to determine the winner of the current trick).

Q: If My Opponent Leads A 9 (witch), Do Ihave To Follow The 9's Suit Or The Trump Suit?

You must follow the 9's suit if you can. A non-trump 9 is not treated as if it were in the trump suit until after both cards in the trick have been played following the normal rules.

Q: If My Opponent Leads A Trump Card And Ihave A Trump Card, Can I Play A Non-trump 9 (witch)?

No. A non-trump 9 is not treated as if it were in the trump suit until after both cards in the trick have been played following the normal rules. If you can follow suit with a trump card, you cannot play a non-trump 9.

Q: Who Wins A Trick With Two 9 (witch) Cards In It?

The special ability on the 9 (WITCH) only applies when the trick contains one 9 (WITCH). (THE witch's magic lets her transform into the trump suit at the end of the trick, but with two witches in the trick, they neutralize each other's magic). If the 9 of the trump suit was played, it would win; otherwise, the 9 of the lead suit would win.

Q: Who Leads The Next Trick After A Trick With Two 1 (swan) Cards In It?

If both players play a 1 (SWAN), the player who loses the trick would lead the next trick.

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