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Rating: 4 Passable
Players: 1-1 players
Playing time: 10-3 minutes

Created by: (Uncredited)

Published by: Ideal


Even if you've been living on Mars since the 1970s, you've probably heard of Rubik's Cube, the bestselling puzzle in history. Just in case, though, here's a recap: it's a 3-by-3-by-3-inch cube with rotating faces made up of nine squares that can be scrambled into (so it's said) 43 quintillion combinations.

Getting the cube back to its original position (so that all nine squares of the same color make up each face) is incredibly challenging for most, though it can be mastered and solved.

For those not gifted with superhuman spatial intuition, this mindbender comes with a solution hints booklet, which examines the cube's properties and offers clues for solving the puzzle. Whether it's a difficult toy or retro '80s kitsch you're seeking, Rubik's Cube is for you.

Rubik's Cube is the incredibly addictive, multi- dimensional challenge that has fascinated puzzle fans around the world. Over 250 million cubes have been sold and at least one in every five people in the world has twisted, jumbled and enjoyed this immensely popular puzzle.

The Rubik's Cube was invented in 1974 by Erno Rubik; he wanted a working model to help explain three-dimensional geometry. It took him one month before he was able to solve the Cube for himself.

Over 350 million Rubik's Cubes have been sold worldwide - making it is one of the bestselling toy of all time. The Rubik's Cube has been tantalizing and enchanting people for over 40 years!

Rubik's Cube has been called "the perfect puzzle" and "the best puzzle ever". With a few turns, you mix up its small colored cubes. Now match the cubes back up again to make every side a solid color.

You can solve RUBIK'S Cube from any starting point and from any topsy-turvy arrangement of colors. With the right twists, anybody can do it, and with 43 quintillion (43,252,003,274,489,856,000) combinations, no challenge is everthe same!

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